lee hsien loong CNY message draws flak from netizens

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He is pissing people off! He should stop being arrogant and tell us to embrace new foreigners by helping them integrate into our society. He does not own this country and does not deserve to be a ex- PM in the first place.

He refused to accept this huge population causing crowdedness and daily stress in our daily lives. His speech never provide a better solution to add 10km of reclaim land to address this issue.

(02-02-2025, 09:10 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Your posts reminds me of the whiny little ccbai here, TRAITOR oops

Are you and the fcucking retrenched jobless loser the same ccbai?

[Image: wQxCCuH.jpeg]

I remember that you are not a local here in my country. Your comments are clearly interfering in my country affairs and cause more social disintegration. What ulterior motive and intention do you have?

(02-02-2025, 09:47 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Your response confirmed my suspicions!

You are a fcuking traitor who hates PAP

I am a patriotic Singaporean who loves PAP

I have no problem integrating with other patriotic law abiding Singaporeans

I definitely have no problem integrating with immigrants/foreigners

I married an immigrant from Vietnam, produced a son to service NS to protect Singapore

Whereas you fcuking ccbai whiner is a PAP hater with a born Singaporean mother tit's entitlement mentality

Who is unable to integrate with people of other races, religion or nationality

My contribution to Singapore is to expose PAP haters and traitors like you 

Who came here to spread lies and sow discord between locals and foreigners

You are a fcuking coward who hides behid your whiny little ccbai nicks here

What he say has some truth in it la, why u so angry ?

I have friends working in various sectors like banking, education, transport etc. They shared with me it is the foreigners that grouped up among themselves from locals. Take for example, when go lunch they go together. Dun believe u go city office area and see for yourself like me.
[+] 1 user Likes *天哥*'s post

(02-02-2025, 09:55 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  What he say has some truth in it la, why u so angry ?

I have friends working in various sectors like banking, education, transport etc. They shared with me it is the foreigners that grouped up among themselves from locals. Take for example, when go lunch they go together. Dun believe u go city office area and see for yourself like me.

You are talking about Neh gangs?
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Good that Jac LAU Fart King can show the World that there are Traitors like him in my Country

[Image: Definition-Traitor.jpg]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(02-02-2025, 10:05 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  You are talking about Neh gangs?

Not only neh but tiong also like that.

(02-02-2025, 10:04 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  I recalled you got angry with me for my comments on your idol tcb

Now you just trying to get even with me

Do as you please, you are ENTITLED to your opinion

BTW, my response was for the comment below, where is the truth you referred to?

I remember that you are not a local here in my country. Your comments are clearly interfering in my country affairs and cause more social disintegration. What ulterior motive and intention do you have?

Well, I m sorry if I make u feel that way. No, I  did not get angry with ur comments on tcb though u r right he is my idol cos he did lots of good things for society.

PAP talks about Society integration because it benefits them

Why they refused to hire 20,000 FTs per year in NS because it cannot benefit them


(01-02-2025, 09:36 PM)KILLjoy Wrote:  integrate? can....


the pap starts to integrate themselves with the oppositions
then likely the remaining 30-40% will follow integration with the new citizens

am gladly let ramesh teach me all it wants
and will pay for every vehicle carpark fees visiting it

else drill a hole on the wall
and go F yourselves and F harder

they ought to get what common singaporeans are suffering on; double it

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

had hope when appointed as a pm
now hope vanished into thin air

5% out of 100%
vanished when keeps using founders statement as his own

5% out of 100%
vanished when dressed like a clown being a pm

5% out of 100%
vanished when squatting around being a pm

10% out of 100%
vanished when kept condemning citizens whereby no leader of a nation will do that

20% out of 100%
vanished when keeps singing praises of all foreigners

20% out of 100%
vanished when allowing any foreigners on job hunting trip and importing pinoy ducks all over singapoo doing what a singaporean can do

10% out of 100%
vanished when a nsf died make no statement but a chao ceca crushed by a tree a poem was composed

10% out of 100%
vanished when allowing treating singapoo as a fighter jets training ground

10% out of 100%
vanished when irrelevant statements made amounting to terrex detained

10% out of 100%
vanished when allowing parliament to involve in personal home affair

10% out of 100%
vanished when not allowed a welfare state but colleagues of his own using public resources for own use

10% out of 100%
vanished when allowing one to use an undisclosed amount of money to get one entertainer to perform here

5% out of 100%
vanished when needa increase this and that to make up to their spendings

10% out of 100%
vanished when appointed a bootlicker as a full minister handling ministry of foreign manpower and now a scam nation

50% out of 100%
vanished when allowing a trade treaty of chao ceca flood and infest entire singapoo

10% out of 100%
vanished when promoting a book to allow foreign influence of that nation onto singapoo where no leader of any nations would do so far

and many other more to list....

can trust him?

this cheebye malaysia kia lau jac also never serve NS
THeN got the audacity to come in kpkb
this lau jac came to singapore to leech on our country..

(02-02-2025, 12:18 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  this cheebye malaysia kia lau jac also never serve NS
THeN got the audacity to come in kpkb
this lau jac came to singapore to leech on our country..

Who is Lau? What did he contributed to Singapore to talk like an elder?

PaP gave them everything so easily like their Privilege. The Govt sow the discord and reap the repercussions of their weak policies with long tenure bringing forth more problems in the future for Singapore.

Very bad timing. Should say this during national events, say NDR.

(02-02-2025, 09:02 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  He is pissing people off!  He should stop being arrogant and tell us to embrace new foreigners by helping them integrate into our society. He does not own this country and does not deserve to be a ex- PM in the first place. He refused to accept this huge population causing crowdedness and daily stress in our daily lives. His speech never provide a better solution to add 10km  of reclaim land to address this issue.

LHL and his cronies are laughing all the way to the bank. He is not into public service, but self-service.

[Image: LHL-Money.jpg]

(02-02-2025, 02:19 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  PaP gave them everything so easily like their Privilege. The Govt sow the discord and reap the repercussions of their weak policies with long tenure bringing forth more problems in the future for Singapore.

Govt policies have heaped hardship on the people while the elites laugh all the way to the bank

[Image: LHL.jpg]

(02-02-2025, 02:45 PM)mikotan Wrote:  Very bad timing. Should say this during national events, say NDR.

He stepped down liao, but still talk rubbish

The open floodgates already cost him 3 GRCs, not enough

He really sincerely hoping to lose another 2 GRCs for coming GE, arh?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

He should show more respect for the new PM by shutting up.
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