lee sian long warns USA- china is cannot stop one


Wah, even pinky also think China is unstoppable. How come those moronic HJ barking dogs that know nuts everyday say China collapse. LOL LOL..... Rotfl

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
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China has a even better development plan for the world.


USA plans is Me Me And Me.


(13-04-2022, 01:46 PM)kokee Wrote:  look at HSI & SSE, HK & china stock market, how is all these china company stock crash almost 30% in Q1, all know what happening in china economy, alibaba stock down from almost 300 to 70, down 50%, NO, almost 80%, LOL LOL.
Q2 will definitely worse as shanghai covid started big way, plus ukraine war, sanction on china is much stronger, Q3 & so on will be even worse as EU will take super hard stand on china like russia, Europe ready to cut off russia oil & gas, trade with china> LOL LOL.
comie dogs here can bark whatever, look at china stock & property market today, jobless rate surge to sky, inflation surge to heaven, reserved in negative, investment & fund almost all pull out, sanction, frozen & SWIFT waiting for them, LOL LOL.


4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出


china economy is diving straight down now with covid & Ukraine war, with sanction ongoing & almost all foreign investment & fund pulling out expedite at fastest rate now, what you see russia today will be china tomorrow, unstopable> my foot.
RMB start their plunge now, when comie dogs here sell all their asset & support RMB to holan.
look at china stock& property today, you will know where china economy & RMB be tomorrow.
Let wait patiently for global to sanction china, SWIFT & frozen per russia today, defintely china will become like NK & Iran in 1-2 yrs down the road.
without technology transfer & stealing, china can go back to their 70s to 80s.
whole world hike rate, china still cut rate & print $$, LOL LOL.
Japan crash it.
world bank also call to pull out from china fast.

资本外流汹涌,这个信号终于来了 !两年来中国经济唯一亮点熄灭,人民币汇率趋势形成!日本网友对中国时局深刻剖析,大批日资撤离!

世銀行長:減少對中依賴 「或對所有人都好」


Kokee, don't be naughty hor!

Lee Hsien Loong warns US: China's rise is unstoppable



(14-04-2022, 05:32 PM)kokee Wrote:  china economy is diving straight down now with covid & Ukraine war, with sanction ongoing & almost all foreign investment & fund pulling out expedite at fastest rate now, what you see russia today will be china tomorrow, unstopable> my foot.
RMB start their plunge now, when comie dogs here sell all their asset & support RMB to holan.
look at china stock& property today, you will know where china economy & RMB be tomorrow.
Let wait patiently for global to sanction china, SWIFT & frozen per russia today, defintely china will become like NK & Iran in 1-2 yrs down the road.
without technology transfer & stealing, china can go back to their 70s to 80s.
whole world hike rate, china still cut rate & print $$, LOL LOL.
Japan crash it.
world bank also call to pull out from china fast.

资本外流汹涌,这个信号终于来了 !两年来中国经济唯一亮点熄灭,人民币汇率趋势形成!日本网友对中国时局深刻剖析,大批日资撤离!

世銀行長:減少對中依賴 「或對所有人都好」

Your angmo master now so scare and bankrupt until dont know wheres China. U suck so hard until he liddat ah? Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

(09-04-2022, 11:00 AM)kokee Wrote:  bark all these rubbish is totally meaningless & useless as factory & investment now pulling out from china at historical speed now, sanction china also ongoing now, eventually all trade with china will remove like russia today, cut off china totally from global supply chain & trade, wait patiently. 
what russia get today, sanction, frozen & SWIFT, china will all get it in time to come.

中共最担心的事情:海外资产会一朝归零;重磅!美国正式取消俄罗斯最惠国贸易地位 全面禁止进口其能源;中立国无法中立了 瑞士冻结俄80亿美元资产

4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出

If global sanction, frozen & SWIFT china like russia today, guarantee china will sink like russia today & even worse. Jiust frozen alone, china already kneel down to kowtow if all know how much china corrupted money in swiss & US alone, dont talk about globally, LOL LOL.
after this covid, you cannot imagine how much china rich money want to run road whatever method they have although china already almost closed down all means like bitcoin & all coin.
no need to worry, whatever will come will sure come, LOL LOL.
all already run road like headless chicken now. globally like US, EU, australia, japan, korea, taiwan, canada, india & almost all will never let china go this time except russia, LOL LOL.

资本外流汹涌,这个信号终于来了 !两年来中国经济唯一亮点熄灭,人民币汇率趋势形成!日本网友对中国时局深刻剖析,大批日资撤离!


Moronic kokee everyday singing and dancing China bankrupt hor nudie

Where this English man come from?

"lee sian long warns USA- china is cannot stop one"

[Image: Screenshot-20220414-184543-Chrome.jpg]

I warning you, dun play play



Pok-ed liao
only got
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-12-11-04-03.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-12-11-04-37.png]

In my own opinions, US is already a passe. Actually, China is already the super power but they just never exhibited it out. China in terms of military equipments and resources, economy already way surpass US. I still remember when i visited US in 2018, the number of homeless, the buildings so worn out, just the sight is enough to deter investors from entering.

I was sad when i don't have a pair of new shoes, until i saw someone with no feet...

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-14-21-24-58.png]
B water my friend
into the cup it becomes the cup...

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