pap made a mistake - ukraine is not a soveriegn state at all

benjamin fulford report

One more point that needs to be made is that in 2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. Since the UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state and Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, In other words, the so-called Ukraine invasion is a police action taking place within the borders of Russia.

Putin is Not Waging War vs Ukrainians, But Against this Special Group

During the night of February 25-26, President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a ceasefire proposal to Russia via the Chinese embassy in Kiev. The Kremlin immediately responded by setting out its conditions:

arrest of all Nazis (Dmitro Yarosh and the Azov Battalion, etc.)
removal of all street names and destruction of monuments glorifying Nazi collaborators during the Second World War (Stepan Bandera, etc.),
laying down of weapons.
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Right or wrong aside.
The reality is who is more powerful.

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