graft investigation is a major embarrassment for the PAP

Although no formal charges have been laid yet, the graft investigation is a major embarrassment for the People's Action Party, which has ruled the island nation since independence in 1965.

The party, which has always promoted the rule of law and commitment to the community, is now in hot waters at a time of difficult transition.

In the 2020 election, the party suffered its worst drop in voters’ support, which could make it harder for Prime Minister Lee to call an early election before the end of the current legislature in 2025 in order to capitalise on his commitment to lead Singapore out of the pandemic.

By contrast, having the legislature continue for two more years will likely be more advantageous to opposition parties.

[+] 1 user Likes Gstalk's post

PnP gone case liao lah.

Pinky should step down immediately before the next erection, if not it is going to suffer a major blow

8Umbrella Umbrella
[+] 1 user Likes klat's post

Luckily for Pinky, 61% of voters are blind.

Quote:.  The country’s top officials are well paid to ensure that they are not tempted by other interests. Ministers earn about S.1 million (US$ 832,000) a year.   

High pay is just an excuse. It is actually to ownself reward ownself.

Tio bo

[+] 1 user Likes Gstalk's post

Smile establish Big oversea Media already reported negative on PAP.
[+] 1 user Likes [[ForeverAlone]]'s post

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