paradigm shift on vaccine narrative

Paradigm shift in vaccine narratives
[Image: dmca_protected_sml_120n.png?cd1fdc] [Image: PostDateIcon.png?cd1fdc] February 1st, 2023 | [Image: PostAuthorIcon.png?cd1fdc] Author: Contributions
[Image: nvax.png?cd1fdc]There seems to be a paradigm shift in vaccine (V) narratives since late last year.
Some of the most prominent “Ex-Pro V influencers” in the past months and years have started to U Turn on their position over the past few months .
Dr Aseem Malhotra – A prominent cardiologist in UK who had appeared on BBC before to urge people to take the V. His dramatic shift in position happened when his father died suddenly from cardiac arrest a few months after taking V. He read the same article from Circulation (which I have posted in late 2021) making a glaring stance that the V will cause a dramatic rise in cardiac illness in the next 5 years.
On top of that, he received information from whistleblowers that accused a prominent University of suppressing unfavorable research findings on the V due to the fear of losing research funds from big pharma.
He had done his own research and published it. He is now calling for the Halt of the V program and to carry out further investigations on the safety aspects of the V.
Dr John Campbell – A prominent YouTube medical educator who is a professional trainer of nurses. He came into prominent with huge following because he could give very clear presentation of various research findings.
He was convinced by the various research findings and believed in the integrity of their data and took the position that the official narrative that “Benefits outweigh the Risks”.
However, the forced revelation of the Pfizer documents showing a whole list of 1291 serious adverse side effects has started to shaken his confidence and position. The evolving data of consistent high Excess Deaths in the past year has further convinced him something is not right with the V.
He was once the most quoted source of information presenter by Pro V people, including Ho Ching, Tan Kin Lian in SG. But when he started to question the official narratives of the V based on the emerging evidences we started to see, he was quietly dropped and even YouTube censored him.
Ironically, such censorship has strengthen his belief that something is really wrong with the whole V program. He has finally literally apologize for not being more discerning in scrutinizing the early research findings which resulted in making unwarranted recommendation on taking of the V.
Scott Adams – he was a very strong proponent of V using data analytical skills to support his position. He was one of the most outspoken and aggressive Pro V person among the three I have named here.
I don’t know exactly what changes his position but the emerging data on consistent Excess Deaths must have shocked him as well.
Anyone who is well verse in Data Analysis and honest to themselves will find the Excess Deaths trend happening and replicating in highly V countries exceptionally alarming.
He finally conceded that he was wrong and now he is paying the price for making the wrong decision.
I have said this before:
Dead Body Counts tell no lies.
Truth is absolute and eternal, it will always prevail.
Goh Meng Seng

tan kin lian also 'paradigm shift'
he tot vaccine will protect him
but when he got covid
he kpkp like a whining swine
now question the vax

ong yee kong also paradugm shift
he dare ot show it
but in parleement
his eyes small small
and like something is wrong
but dare not say it..
in case a big mob chase after

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