temperature rising meh? its so cool now..


with rapid climatic change , even greenland see rainfall , 1st time in history...glaciers have been melting at a fast rate n all this water flow more to the equatorial region ...even nature has become confused with so much water ...this has enormous influence on the weather...no wonder north, south, east n west winds r clashing with one another.

Resulting in unpredictable heavy rain storms, more powerful typhoons , accompabied by prolonged drounght.

Going forwaed,

Cool,pleasant weather is definitely better than hot,humid and searing heat.

On very hot days here, it is literally painful on the skin when scorched by the potent sun.

(22-08-2021, 06:30 PM)menghuii Wrote:  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapor...ts-2107851

We are moving into the La Lina phase of weather in this part of the world.  

Currently we are at neutral phase after experiencing the hot weather of the La Nino phase for the past few years.  

The next La Nino phase is expected to be even hotter than the last.

Whenever there's typhoon/tropical storm in our region, our weather will be cool.

We getting colder. The north n south pole all melt and transfer their cold wave to equator.

NEA 馬後炮 soon...

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