this is how comie here & communist sources lies in videos & news

below video explained how china govt, foreign affair, CCTV, CGTN, xinhua & all china media how they censored news, create lied story to brainwash & propaganda.
only post advantage to them or twist to their lick & worship.
censored all the negatives & bad to them.
totally no truth & fact, right or wrong is totally not important in news, important is what they want people to know, so lost also can say is win because their media & TV said so, lies is not important, important is the message to the people, that is why china must has firewall to block all news from globally, so that they can cook their own, same to comie dogs here use all the communist sources, little pink or 5 cents,  one can stop them from posting here yet they spam almost 70-80% new threads here using fake to con or brainwash morons here.



U suck angmo coks and lies.🤣🤣🤣

the most important in life in freedom & truth, these are totally gone in dictatorship communism.
dictator fully control media in their country, so they can self claimed whatever they like to con & brainwash their people, so they self create lies on everything to their advantages inside their country, so whatever outcome of the war, they forever win thru self claimed, like russia today & all the comie in this forum, spam ton of new threads to claimed themselves using communist sources of BS.



Ukrainian envoy to Olaf Scholz: Grow up!  Rotfl

Ukraine has no time for a sulking German chancellor, Andrij Melnyk says.

All these moronic kokee king of know nuts lies and preaching Falun Gong in this media hor very dangerous hor in sg Laughing

why so many lies & fake from ccp china, communist sources? because they are lawless, dictator can do anything they like, fake whatever they want, people has no power & live in fear to challenge due to weapons & gun are all in dictator hands, like 4/6/1989, tanks roll over beijing students.
dictator needs to use fake, lies, censored, twisted & distorted to braiwash their people thru education & propaganda then slavery will sacrify their life for them & worship them.
all the slavery & morons beliebe dictator lies & fake like morons & brainless here, think these dogs are unbeatable, these are total BS like comie dogs here bark lies to BS how powerful & strong china is, china is just a thief or robber to steal technology & copy cat.
most important in life is freedom & your own life.




Alam Kok,

Don't need to spam so many flg video.  

It shows nothing. See the figures of economy.   

Why USD weaker vs Russian Ruble? Sanction should make Ruble to become waster paper, right?  

But Ruble stronger instead of becoming waster paper, why?  US lost lah.  

[Image: USDRuble220505.png]

[Image: USDRuble220504.png]

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

(05-05-2022, 09:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  below video explained how china govt, foreign affair, CCTV, CGTN, xinhua & all china media how they censored news, create lied story to brainwash & propaganda.
only post advantage to them or twist to their lick & worship.
censored all the negatives & bad to them.
totally no truth & fact, right or wrong is totally not important in news, important is what they want people to know, so lost also can say is win because their media & TV said so, lies is not important, important is the message to the people, that is why china must has firewall to block all news from globally, so that they can cook their own, same to comie dogs here use all the communist sources, little pink or 5 cents,  one can stop them from posting here yet they spam almost 70-80% new threads here using fake to con or brainwash morons here.

No need to see flg video lah!!! All lies. See solid figures.       

Why Ruble instead of becoming waste paper, move up?     Rotfl    

What happens to the sanction?    

Laughing Laughing Laughing   

[Image: USDRuble220505.png]


all these moronic know nut comie dogs here, real hooligan, look for fight here 7/24.
FLG? I fxxk FLG 100x here, another shitty product of china, who F care anything from china, FLG & ccp, all can go to hell immediately.

ruble? explain 10x here, these dogs keep spamming to con or brainwash morons here only.
strong ruble is putin to save face to tell the world sanction is no effect but as above lies from all dictator communism is to con their people only. Real effect of russia sanction is super huge inside russia & to russian, almost nothing import can buy in russia today, then you want strong ruble for what? ruble is totally useless in the world today, cant buy anything, worse than RM. Now russia foreign minister beg to remove sanction almost everyday.

all these dogs here like ruble, why dont they sell all their asset & buy ruble, some more with 20+% interest, what happen when interest drop to 10%? how about 0%? crash to nothing? russia is going to dissolve again like in 1990 in near future, all ruble will basically gone forever, these dogs  bark here but no action, why? all these know nut moronic comie dogs here, all know who they are.

(04-05-2022, 05:49 AM)kokee Wrote:  china govt media now said russia will lose in Ukraine war & Russia will be dissected by 12 country, china will share with the rest 11 country on russia land.
sound like russia will lose till surrender & whole country will be gone & no more russia in future.
china is eyeing or try to please the west & work with west to attack russia?
can russia work with the west & attack china & dissect china?
what happen to china & xi? suddenly betray russia totally? so worry & scared?

5.2 【十二國瓜分俄羅斯?】中國官媒預言俄羅斯最終戰敗,國土被十二國瓜分,中國亦分一杯羹!


(05-05-2022, 10:49 AM)webinarian Wrote:  No need to see flg video lah!!! All lies. See solid figures.       

Why Ruble instead of becoming waste paper, move up?     Rotfl    

What happens to the sanction?    

Laughing Laughing Laughing   

[Image: USDRuble220505.png]


Kokee only believes in LIES and FAKE NEWS from his beloved Falun Gong Cult!  Rotfl

Commie Italy???  Rotfl

In a submission to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Germany says Italy continues to allow cases in its domestic courts despite a 2012 ruling that such claims were inadmissible.

It says that, since that ruling, over 25 new cases have been filed in Italy.

In some of those, the courts have ruled that Germany should pay compensation.

Berlin says it is bringing the complaint now because of two ongoing cases that could see properties in Rome owned by the German state seized to finance compensation payments.

(05-05-2022, 11:37 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs here are really hooligan.

to a person or life, right & wrong, truth & lies, freedom or not are utmost important.
to dictator communism, right or wrong is totally not important because they are slavery living in fear.
when one whack a person, depend on who whack, no more rational & law, all can cover up.
slavery & lawless, dictatorship & communism.
everyone must have a sense or right & wrong, protect  under the same law.


Hallo angmo cok sucker. Laughing

Kokee, true or not?

美國中情局“秘密”參戰!俄軍公開赫爾松美國中情局酷刑室 俄軍士兵被囚“烏美合作所”“白公館渣滓洞”雙腿截斷打迷幻藥拷問 普京報復美國5.9紅場閱兵組建500人美英烏戰俘方隊


This is how kokee suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

(05-05-2022, 10:49 AM)webinarian Wrote:  No need to see flg video lah!!! All lies. See solid figures.       

Why Ruble instead of becoming waste paper, move up?     Rotfl    

What happens to the sanction?    

Laughing Laughing Laughing   

[Image: USDRuble220505.png]


All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts everyday spam 24/7 hor  Rotfl

all these comie dogs here are really hooligan.

to a person or life, right & wrong, truth & lies, freedom or not are utmost important.
to dictator communism, right or wrong is totally not important because they are slavery living in fear.
when one whack a person, depend on who whack, no more rational & law, all can cover up.
slavery & lawless, dictatorship & communism.
everyone must have a sense or right & wrong, protect  under the same law.



Kokee, this is how shameless your Assmerican daddy is :

220504 -3 【狼狈为奸】【拜登正话反说煽动WW3,英首相乌克兰拉达猛灌迷魂汤】【寒梅视角】

[Image: 2929-E758-B34-F-47-B0-934-B-76-CFC2049741.jpg]

[Image: 964-E9-F43-57-E9-4578-9125-029-FC6-E79-EFF.png]

(05-05-2022, 09:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  below video explained how china govt, foreign affair, CCTV, CGTN, xinhua & all china media how they censored news, create lied story to brainwash & propaganda.
only post advantage to them or twist to their lick & worship.
censored all the negatives & bad to them.
totally no truth & fact, right or wrong is totally not important in news, important is what they want people to know, so lost also can say is win because their media & TV said so, lies is not important, important is the message to the people, that is why china must has firewall to block all news from globally, so that they can cook their own, same to comie dogs here use all the communist sources, little pink or 5 cents,  one can stop them from posting here yet they spam almost 70-80% new threads here using fake to con or brainwash morons here.


this is how comie dogs here spam their lies using communist sources of fake & lies.

(06-05-2022, 12:35 PM)kokee Wrote:  this is how comie dogs here spam their lies using communist sources of fake & lies.

This is how u suck angmo coks. Laughing

1 nuke, this world no more UK, russia now lies like ccp china.
If russia win this Ukraine will they say this way? NO.
all these communist like to use all these lies to lick & worship themselves, like all comie dogs here, they bark ton of lies here, all kena exposed, same to ccp & russia, who F care who they are, their lies still lies, brainless lies, only brainless believe these dogs & doggie country.
whole world know how & what they lies now, except morons. same to all comie liars here.



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