why Ang mo so friendly

just now I walk very fast rush back to uncle office. Accidentally nearly bump to one Ang mo Uncle, he quickly grab my waist to prevent me fall down.

I smile to him he also smile back.

If locals I think I already fall down.

did he rub on yr crack ?


(21-07-2023, 03:08 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  just now I walk very fast rush back to uncle office. Accidentally nearly bump to one Ang mo Uncle, he quickly grab my waist to prevent me fall down.

I smile to him he also smile back.

If locals I think I already fall down.

How come I never find angmo friendly even I had stayed with them for a few years? I guess you have a butt where angmos are attracted to.   Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Better make sure he is not a MP.

(21-07-2023, 03:08 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  just now I walk very fast rush back to uncle office. Accidentally nearly bump to one Ang mo Uncle, he quickly grab my waist to prevent me fall down.

I smile to him he also smile back.

If locals I think I already fall down.

Lets see how friendly they are if you threatening their core interests

FA, quickly pull down angmore pant and suck his sausage like heavenly taste.


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