why are so many naive ...wanting to ..

today attended a briefing

what makes any co with no record think that they can issue own titles cert is of any value or credential even though they partner with ATOs

the days where school laughing to bank are over

now courses are only 70% funded
who would want to pay 3000 to get a cert from a co that has no record

students pay $2500 to study 9 modules of 2 to 3 days courses from ATOs to get that cert issued by Agent co

total course fee before subsidy about 10k

the days of schools principals laughing to bank, driving Ferrari is over

even wsq and IBF cert are not recognized by most MNC

tax payers wasted lots of money on these stewpig fcuks.

why can't they take $8/course on YouTube like ah butt?

they charge 1000+ on how to build website on WIX
and $500 on create account on caurosel

why gov so stupid to pay so high

it is no brainer to build website or caurosell

gov is naive
ATOs are still hopeful

but funding may go down to 50% soon
gov is broke

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