It's time to seek help when not getting that last chicken wing

Pandemic rage: It's time to seek help when not getting that last chicken wing makes you throw a chair

There have been more incidents of anger outbursts against front-line workers and between strangers during the Covid-19 pandemic

Mental health professionals said the prolonged stress of the pandemic, a sense of helplessness and injustice may be contributing factors

Increased social media use may also amplify outrage and anger

If one has intermittent explosive disorder, it is severe and would require urgent professional attention

Mental health experts gave advice on how front-line workers can keep calm and manage heated situations

Published January 29, 2022

SINGAPORE — Poor customer service, traffic hold-ups, road rage, people who cut queues, long waiting times for takeaways or deliveries, booking and wedding cancellations, postponement of events, as well as constant changes of and confusion over Covid-19 regulations.

There are plenty of situations and experiences to get one riled up and frustrated while going about daily living during the pandemic.


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