If your child accidentally stole items from a store,would you take them back and pay?

My son, intentionally, stole a cigar from our local Kmart. His step-dad my husband was a police officer and I was about to be hired on as one. We got home and I noticed him acting sneakier than usual. So I quietly assessed him and was waiting for the right moment to pounce. That moment soon came when I heard his bedroom door shut and noticed how quiet he was being. If you are ever around a 5 year old energetic boy you’ll know how rare this is. I quietly crept to the door, making sure my feet weren’t visible under the cracks. I counted to 3 and opened the door quickly! What did I see!? He was sitting on the bed, with the window cracked, trying to light a cigar the size of his head. He looked like a thin but young Boss Hogg. The look on his face was priceless as he was shocked, scared, and began to cry. Without even thinking I grabbed the nasty smell cigar and with my other arm I grabbed his hand. We quickly made it to the car and he buckled without my asking. As I started the car he began to beg and plead, “Mommy please don’t take me to jail! You haven’t even started and I’m your first arrest! Daddy is going to beat me and I’m going to prison!!”

More at https://www.quora.com/If-your-child-acci...ck-and-pay

[Image: baby_herman.jpg]

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There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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