why sim wong hoo just a poly grad..is so much better than all the university pap pple

NUS produce non thinking, no creative 'robots?

these robots do not know wat to do when they become jobless
NUS forgot to teach them to survive in the REAL world

FYI Sim explore himself, self learn etc NOT Due to his study in Poly.

(07-01-2023, 06:23 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  FYI Sim explore himself, self learn etc NOT Due to his study in Poly.

u are nus grad ah
no wonder dare not venture out
must stay with uncle this uncle that
cannot escape the box

(07-01-2023, 06:30 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  u are nus grad ah
no wonder dare not venture out
must stay with uncle this uncle that
cannot escape the box

Pls rah is not about Education level. SO MANY poly grad and Nus grad , but the number of so call Local business how many ? I mean those make themselves famous worldwide

so many years use their budget to subsidize innovation

yet their import unlimited FTs also lack innovation

2017 under Heng SK, failed

2016, also pursue Productivity and Innovation, failed

2015, budget to support innovative SME, failed

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Humble Sim does things that benefit people all around the world regardless of rich or poor.
Uni pap people do things to fatten their own wallets.

tomorrow will be a better day

A friend is very proud of his uneducated father who hired many grads, masters and several phds. He quit sch after o level and to join his father's company

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