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Registration Date: 23-02-2022
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Local Time: 22-12-2024 at 01:09 PM
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Bw2023's Most Liked Post
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RE: Mourning ‘dear friend’ Haniyeh Anwar says murder ‘designed’ to derail Gaza peace talk 02-08-2024, 03:58 PM 3
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Mourning ‘dear friend’ Haniyeh Anwar says murder ‘designed’ to derail Gaza peace talk SG Talk
Market Talk
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(02-08-2024, 03:21 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Hamas should know better than to wake a sleeping lion. Israel killed several Palestinians who were involved in planning the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. In the years following that attack, Israeli intelligence agencies carried out a series of operations targeting Palestinians responsible for those murders. Operation Wrath of God, resulted in the deaths of several Palestinian terrorists, including those directly involved in the 1972 killings. Hamas has brought misery to all Palestinians.

Dont you know Hamas did not exist in 1972? 

You keep talking about the munich olympics, and then blame Hamas for it.

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