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Registration Date: 05-08-2021
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Local Time: 21-12-2024 at 09:07 PM
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S I M T A N's Most Liked Post
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RE: bad accident Dunearn Rd 29-04-2023, 03:40 AM 5
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bad accident Dunearn Rd SG Talk
Market Talk
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(28-04-2023, 11:28 AM)Oyk Wrote:  
  • It obviously enough triggered you so much that you had to respond to me twice. Seems pretty obvious as well that you lost sleep and were trying to get perhaps a few repu points from him and his clones. Rolleyes  

I feel we’ve been going around in circles with this ‘trigger’ remarks of yours. Let me set the record straight on a few points. Your allusion of Sentinel did not put me on the defensive. If anything, I didn’t feel anyone was criticizing me, nor was I losing sleep over anything, nothing of the sort.

I’m a pretty relaxed person and nothing ruffles me. Everything seems anodyne, incl your remark about Sentinel and my response to it that, while detailed, never savoured of defensiveness.
When I came into the forum, I came with a spirit of sharing as I plunged into the free exchange of info and views, and without a siege mentality. Repu points were the last thing on my mind. It is the content of what you have to say that counts, and repu points count for nothing if you hardly post anything of substance.
We should all be discussing matters of substance instead of getting into petty squabbles. Relax bro, and don’t let your imagination run away with you. Wink

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