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RE: ÙS futures will move sharply at 8pm tonight- here's why. 13-09-2022, 07:58 PM 2
Thread Subject Forum Name
Dow Index futures will move sharply at 8:30pm tonight- here's why. SG Talk
Market Talk
Post Message
(13-09-2022, 05:53 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  If can tell bet big on Dow futures to huat big big!!!

This is what I predict.....not that I have crystal ball just for fun based on how market move. Market move 3 days in a row in anticipation is the logic

1. Analysts predict 8.1% but traders  are betting it will go below 8% they go in big ....

2. I believe it is below 8%. Reason is there are proxy numbers like commodities index, material index that can be used to derive the CPI. Based on how much traders bet the number should be around  7.6%...

3. When number announce to be below 8%, likely there is a big rally of 400pts.

4. But short term traders already bet big last few days using proxy numbers will sell on the news. they take profits the Dow gains will be wiped out around +100pts.

If we get number above 8.1% ....Dow will drop more than 500pts because all the traders now cut loss and rush out.
But I don't expect this to happen.

My prediction
CPI = 7.6% 
Dow Imdex = +100pts at close.
Dow Imdex peak is +430pts.

Okay that's my scenarios. LETS GO!

It will be above 8, Dow will drop at 830 then 930 collapse.

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