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Registration Date: 16-07-2021
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Local Time: 23-01-2025 at 04:09 PM
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bobby's Most Liked Post
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RE: S'pore anti vax member respond to Raj Singh msg against them... 14-10-2021, 03:11 PM 3
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S'pore anti vax member respond to Raj Singh msg against them... SG Talk
Market Talk
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(14-10-2021, 01:17 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Raj is right.

Woman is one of the many anti vax fear mongers.
The fact that unvaxed people are "traumatised" by govt recent moves is because of the fear spread by such groups causing people to be unvaxed. All the problems would be solved if these people get vaccinated .....if you are worried about the new fangled mRNA ....there are traditional vaccines and to date 2 billion people have been vaccinated.

You have to accept that we cannot choose not to serve NS which is much more dangerous than vaccines as injury and deaths do occur.....

There is not always a choice at the society level when one person 's choice have effect on another.

Today you can smoke and die young ...that's fine but you cannot smoke anywhere you want because your smoke can result in 2nd smoke for others.

If your doctor assess you have no medical reason not to go for vaccination....plse do so.....


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