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Full Version: [GPGT] Shan thinking to sue ? against affair allegation
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If it's fake …. no need to consider … sue but consider other options ………..  Thinking
The news i had was he had an affair with a chinese lady that made his spouse angry and filed for divorce.
(15-08-2023, 10:12 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]The news i had was he had an affair with a chinese lady that made her spouse angry and filed for divorce.

The chinese lady is someone special sial... afterall every lady will be somebody else's sister in law Laughing
Smile indeed is " law " minister use law to fix problem.
Really someone's mp sil?
(15-08-2023, 11:28 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Really someone's mp sil?

Chartering a standard seat to munch popcorn Laughing
So this is about a certain Shamelessdog piak piak fook me hard? nudie
Piak Ah Piak!
Piak Ah Piak! nudie Really shameless.
Affair with Shan? Swee lah. Taking his status officially to the towkay level.
(15-08-2023, 10:05 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: 2EzqPP3.jpg]

Another juicy steamy story liao lah! Big Grin
(16-08-2023, 06:19 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Another juicy steamy story liao lah! Big Grin

He likes Chinese mangoes? Big Grin
hje needs to love his ex-wife
her weapon is her mouth
ahPuNana told singlion stories.
A lot of mango juice
What does sham meant by considering other options??
He will personally come and cut off kkj? Thinking
Google Gopalan Nair of the Singapore Dissident blog and what he wrote circa 2012 Big Grin
But mangoes much smaller than Cheng Li Hui Laughing
Need to TCJ source. He might know something we don't
(16-08-2023, 08:13 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Need to TCJ source. He might know something we don't

They both like Chinese mangoes?  Thinking
Anybody can share how big her mangoes? Thinking
[Image: IMG-20230816-082251.jpg]
Anybody can share, especially the wordsmiths.

Is it a play on words. He specially wrote that allegation that he had an affair with an MP is baseless.

That may well be it. If that Chinese woman is not an MP at that point in time? Big Grin
singlion thinks it is too dangerous for him to sue
His ex-wife 's mouth is a dangerous weapon
some more got record at the divorce court.
not something out of thin air.
leeTaiSohKong tuo singlion's er-tu-0
Bad bazi chart this yr, needs to visit a qimen dunjia master asap. Not ordinary fortune tellers, they can't resolve his problems
Matter since the plandemic PakchamTOXed not settled yet olady George yeo wants to be spareTire and ahQua goes after Isreal Zionists whose hope-so Home is Ukraine.
And Rusia chanchan Chong into the saga.
U think singlion so smart with analynasi?
all com from Russians.
U see singlion chanchan IT chanchanChong fake Artificial intelligence know it is just DATA monopoli All chait puTEO gravies still all over the mouths.
(16-08-2023, 08:25 AM)Everything Everywhere Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-20230816-082251.jpg]

If Jothie did not write the post, then who else knew about this? Jothie’s sister?
Dont play play hor! later some people will say we are racist  Big Grin
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