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Full Version: Girls can call me Yantao or not, IAM not AWARE, I dun mind, but...
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So many girls and guys call me Yantao, now I worried if it is alright or not..

I dun mind but some prude by the name of AWARE seems to believe if so consistent, it means they're OBJECTIFYING ME hor

IAM sure a prude like forumer Oyk will agree with AWARE if he happen to read my post here

IAM in a fix!

(21-08-2023, 10:53 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]So many girls and guys call me Yantao, now I worried if it is alright or not..

I dun mind but some prude by the name of AWARE seems to believe if so consistent, it means they're OBJECTIFYING ME hor

IAM sure a prude like forumer Oyk will agree with AWARE if he happen to read my post here

IAM in a fix!


Aiya … I just burn gib you one …. sure they humsup … they your servant … call you Brad Prick also can. Good to know they already with you …. enjoy  Clapping

[Image: woman-figure.jpg]
(21-08-2023, 10:57 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Aiya … I just burn gib you one …. sure they humsup … they your servant … call you Brad Prick also can. Good to know they already with you …. enjoy  Clapping

[Image: woman-figure.jpg]

Your mother told me she wants, please burn a harem to her can? Kumsia, please take care of your own family, dun be ingrate!

Yansai lah!
(21-08-2023, 10:53 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]So many girls and guys call me Yantao, now I worried if it is alright or not..

I dun mind but some prude by the name of AWARE seems to believe if so consistent, it means they're OBJECTIFYING ME hor

IAM sure a prude like forumer Oyk will agree with AWARE if he happen to read my post here

IAM in a fix!


(14-08-2023, 11:11 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]My grand daughter should be suitable for Sentinel 
[Image: image-14.png]