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Full Version: I disagree with with SgButt on Fukushima radio active release
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Let Sgbutt eats all the Fuku seafood....
(01-09-2023, 07:36 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Angry

Since I am not a citizen of China , I cannot be a traitor for pointing out their falsehoods.

The video you posted is propaganda so is not credible
[Image: bC84pQE.png]
[Image: IMG-0106.jpg]
(01-09-2023, 07:37 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Let Sgbutt eats all the Fuku seafood....

I have no problem, others also have no problem.and the Singapore govt has assess ut to be okay

Only China barkers have a problem.
[Image: 1KuBnyc.jpg]

The Chinese govt itself discharge waste water from nuclear plants to the oceans ...

Actually Singapore has no nuclear plants has the right to speak against all this discharge but we don't any bark like some countries .
We.are evidence based.
Until today I am waiting for the China dedollarisation propaganda to come true while waiting I see Yuan fall to 16 yr its a shitload of lies
(01-09-2023, 07:56 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Until today I am waiting for the China dedollarisation propaganda to come true while waiting I see Yuan fall to 16 yr its a shitload of lies

[Image: IMG-0558.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0543.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0416.jpg]
(01-09-2023, 07:56 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Until today I am waiting for the China dedollarisation propaganda to come true while waiting I see Yuan fall to 16 yr its a shitload of lies

Idiot, focus on subject.
His mama must be very upset, duno what happen to her cs son
sgbutt is a social justice warrior, but he's only interested in the social justice of China, not anywhere else.
(03-09-2023, 04:28 PM)Jim Wrote: [ -> ]this one admitted

then he started to regret

Don't be so xialan. CCB loser.
(03-09-2023, 04:28 PM)Jim Wrote: [ -> ]this one admitted

then he started to regret

What happened? Tail caught in your mouth? Son of a bitch.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJRqDJnlPvpVYxDlA6v3f...g&usqp=CAU]
(01-09-2023, 08:02 PM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-0558.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0543.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0416.jpg]

Din know that sg has so many dafties who can't even tell the difference? Some even claimed to hv exceptionally high iq some more
(03-09-2023, 05:24 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Din know that sg has so many dafties who can't even tell the difference? Some even claimed to hv exceptionally high iq some more

The water is treated to remove most of the harmful components before it is released.

IAEA scientists say no issue.and will monitor closely

So manynbarker like to believe non scientific propaganda out of China
(03-09-2023, 05:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The water is treated to remove most of the harmful components before it is released.

So you agree there are still harmful materials released into the sea? But you duno how much and what they are, just assume they are safe?
(03-09-2023, 05:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The water is treated to remove most of the harmful components before it is released.

IAEA scientists say no issue.and will monitor closely

So manynbarker like to believe non scientific propaganda out of 

Only Low IQ like you believing them …  Laughing
(03-09-2023, 05:47 PM)cwc29 Wrote: [ -> ]Only Low IQ like you believing them …  Laughing

Even iq is low, still there's no need to believe them
(01-09-2023, 08:51 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]sgbutt is a social justice warrior, but he's only interested in the social justice of China, not anywhere else.

In two posts above, he used phrases and terms like

China barkers
Shitload of lies.

His words are very strong. I sexpected a very strong response from the pro CCP camp.

Anyway he is a very strong supporter of TKL and if you have this urge to sound intelligent and use SJW (commonly used in edmw), may I remind you that Sgbuffet is an opposition activist. He's much more than just a voter who supports the oppies.

And there's a contradiction here. TKL admires the CCP. Sgbuffet evidently despises it.  Rolleyes
(03-09-2023, 05:54 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Even iq is low, still there's no need to believe them

But ah butt believe them .. mean what ?!!! 

(03-09-2023, 06:08 PM)cwc29 Wrote: [ -> ]But ah butt believe them .. mean what ?!!! 



Duno he can understand or not. Maybe needs the 资深guy to translate
(03-09-2023, 06:35 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]逢中必反,逢美必跪,逢日必舔

Duno he can understand or not. Maybe needs the 资深guy to translate

What to do born Low IQ.. always thinking sucking Jipon cock feel atas ba ..
Saw Only this low IQ faker openly supporting jipon nuclear waste disposal
Pity his mother borne such rubbish
South Korea Japan's neighbor is okay with the release....yet there are people KPKB here to support China because they are china fanboys.

Singapore govt has not banned Japanese sea food and don't see the need to. I support their position on the issue.

those who love the carry ccp are the real traitors and often act agaisnt the interest of Singapore to support the CCP. They are the real traitors
(01-09-2023, 07:36 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Angry

That Hanjian SgButt said the fear is unfounded.   

(03-09-2023, 07:07 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
That Hanjian SgButt said the fear is unfounded.   


(03-09-2023, 07:03 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]South Korea Japan's neighbor is okay with the release....yet there are people KPKB here to support China because they are china fanboys.

Singapore govt has not banned Japanese sea food and don't see the need to. I support their position on the issue.

those who love the carry ccp are the real traitors and often act agaisnt the interest of Singapore to support the CCP. They are the real traitors

S Korea jipon sama sama Ang mo doggy .. Ang mo ask them jump they lan Lan jumping .. you IQ low don’t knew de la ..
(03-09-2023, 07:03 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]South Korea Japan's neighbor is okay with the release....yet there are people KPKB here to support China because they are china fanboys.

Singapore govt has not banned Japanese sea food and don't see the need to. I support their position on the issue.

those who love the carry ccp are the real traitors and often act agaisnt the interest of Singapore to support the CCP. They are the real traitors

Don’t mixup CCP with Fukushima nuclear water pls… I knew you got paid $$$ to sucking jipon and Ang mo de that reasoning why you no need to works and got unlimited $$$ to hoot stocks markets ..always saw you loose big in the stocks machiam nothing to you tio bo ?!!!
Maybe ah butt can volunteers drinking the nuclear waste water .. I don’t mind help you call jipon embassy for arranging you as a volunteer drink to proved that the nuclear waste water safely to drink… dare to ?!!!!
(03-09-2023, 07:59 PM)cwc29 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe ah butt can volunteers drinking the nuclear waste water .. I don’t mind help you call jipon embassy for arranging you as a volunteer drink to proved that the nuclear waste water safely to drink… dare to ?!!!!

To all An mo/ jipon suckers here talk cock sing song is free no used de la … if you dare to drink then talk ba …
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