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Full Version: necessary to drink 2 ltr water a day ?
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what if  u overdone it ,srinlk 2.5ltr or more will it overload the kidney n liver function
(05-11-2021, 11:06 AM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]what if  u overdone it ,srinlk 2.5ltr or more will it overload the kidney n liver function

Will not. But u lose nutrients and Salt
(05-11-2021, 11:07 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Will not. But u lose nutrients and Salt

Some salts can be  found in 100 plus drinks...... nudie
I thought it depends on body weight?
Depends on activity. If don't sweat so much can drink much less water.
(05-11-2021, 11:24 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Depends on activity. If don't sweat so much can drink much less water.

but all dr recom 2 ltr a day whether u need or not the gold std is 2 ltr
(05-11-2021, 11:12 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Some salts can be  found in 100 plus drinks...... nudie

If one has a sedentary lifestyle, it is no good to drink such isotonic drinks.
(05-11-2021, 11:32 AM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]but all dr recom 2 ltr a day whether u need or not the gold std is 2 ltr

Don't believe in doctors so much. Most so-called experts don't really know and just trumpet what other experts are saying.
(05-11-2021, 11:37 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't believe in doctors so much. Most so-called experts don't really know and just trumpet what other experts are saying.

Dale Fisher comes to mind Big Grin