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Full Version: Tactically a wrong move to associate with TCB, TJS, LT..
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Tharman won big but is mostly due to his individual popularity and due not to his former party.

I would like to see if his former party continues its shenanigans and bring in Ivan Lim… and then let’s see how they perform in the next GE Big Grin
(04-09-2023, 06:50 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]So u r one of the turncoats in so called oppie camp  Rotfl.

Since when I from Opposition?

But you defintely PAP MOH plp to the max
TKL saying he is independent but so many opps support than is not. His impressions already damn poor still let so many opps to support him that why many changes their mind after seeing this.
Chee Soon Juan sabo him jialat jialat.

Bring out all TKL bad points and then say he will still vote him.

Double whammy sia Laughing
At least all these opposition leaders' endorsement did attract all the social misfits to vote for TKL. The forum member Jim is one example. Otherwise TKL would have lost his deposit.
(04-09-2023, 06:47 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]U can only blame yourselves for choosing the wrong guy to represent the so called oppie. Even WP don't support TKL lah. Only those govt haters support. No need to analyse any further lah.  Rotfl

Confirm seow lang.. Laughing
Just ignore will do.
If he no brings them 2 contestants from the last time they met he will lose his deposits. It is just that Thambi is just over popular. All knows Tharman is the right person to be the President. But to make us feel happy happy NKS came to give us a chance to VOTE. It can be TKL or anyone else yet will lose to that popular Thambi. Thambi for President for life as next few elections no one wants to step up and get smashed badly. Tharman is just too popular for all races.
Those who voted for NKS has no moral compass. Imagine walk into a govt office to see a photo of a 75-year-old cow with a young 45-year-old fiancée- this image is totally wrong for any schoolgirls. What teachings are imparted to them to be good citizens of good moral values?
(03-09-2023, 10:30 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]I know Guangdong ladies cooking skills not bad but their flavouring can be very strong like too salty too spicy etc

cai png stalls which are manned by jhks, and most of them are, are cooking Cantonese-style food.

The really, really best of the best Cantonese food cooked by locals..........those Cantonese ah soe who are now either dead, or have been promoted from ah soe to ah por...their skills have sadly not been picked up by the zoomer Cantonese women.  Authentic home-cooked Cantonese food cooked by our local women is now extinct.
(04-09-2023, 07:27 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Tharman won big but is mostly due to his individual popularity and due not to his former party. 

I would like to see if his former party continues its shenanigans and bring in Ivan Lim… and then let’s see how they perform in the next GE Big Grin

Singaporean can tell who is beneficial to them. And who is selling gimmicks. 

That's the main reason for TKL loss.
(04-09-2023, 09:33 AM)A2Z Wrote: [ -> ]Those who voted for NKS has no moral compass. Imagine walk into a govt office to see a photo of a 75-year-old cow with a young 45-year-old fiancée- this image is totally wrong for any schoolgirls. What teachings are imparted to them to be good citizens of good moral values?

It's not immoral lar.  But we are conservative and cannot accept that age gap.  I also have difficulty accepting it and still cannot accept it.  I always said it would look far better if his fiancee is a woman of age 60 and above, better still if she also has white hair.

Or else, just contest as a widower.  I am perfectly OK with a man becoming EP whose wife had sadly passed away relatively young. If all government offices have only one photo hanged up, so be it. Nothing wrong with that, as far as I am concerned.
i say why not scraped both genital and prenis erection as its all a screwed show
(04-09-2023, 10:14 AM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]Singaporean can tell who is beneficial to them. And who is selling gimmicks. 

That's the main reason for TKL loss.

TKL lost badly because voters rejected this oppo alliance and the offer of 3-in-1.   You back me up, endorse me, and I make you Presidential Advisors reeks of.........

The 3 of them taking a photo together smiling is a turn-off.

NKS lost badly because voters could not accept a grandpa with a fiancée who looked like his daughter.  Very bad image, to have two photos hanging up in government offices looking like that.

If both of them lost badly, the corollary would be that Tharman won goodly lor.  In other words, Tharman did not win goodly because of the "Tharman factor".  Agreeably, that would have gotten him a lot of votes.  But he won with a landslide wor!  And it's because of the TKL and NKS factors.  They were rejected flat out (save for the diehard in the case of TKL), and hence, the votes simply went to Tharman.

Curry nah!  Tharman should give a truckload of pineapples each to TCB, TJS, LT, GMS, HHH!  He owed his landslide victory to them!
(04-09-2023, 10:33 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]TKL lost badly because voters rejected this oppo alliance and the offer of 3-in-1.   You back me up, endorse me, and I make you Presidential Advisors reeks of.........

The 3 of them taking a photo together smiling is a turn-off.

NKS lost badly because voters could not accept a grandpa with a fiancée who looked like his daughter.  Very bad image, to have two photos hanging up in government offices looking like that.

If both of them lost badly, the corollary would be that Tharman won goodly lor.  In other words, Tharman did not win goodly because of the "Tharman factor".  Agreeably, that would have gotten him a lot of votes.  But he won with a landslide wor!  And it's because of the TKL and NKS factors.  They were rejected flat out (save for the diehard in the case of TKL), and hence, the votes simply went to Tharman.

Curry nah!  Tharman should give a truckload of pineapples each to TCB, TJS, LT, GMS, HHH!  He owed his landslide victory to them!

"TKL lost badly because voters rejected this oppo alliance and the offer of 3-in-1.  You back me up, endorse me, and I make you Presidential Advisors reeks of......."

Dangerous Collaboration!!!!
I wonder if white hair on top also means pubic hair white Thinking
(03-09-2023, 09:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]He said he is Zhuge Liang..

I changed my decision tó vote for him immediately after he said that

Like u claim yourself as an oracle.
(04-09-2023, 11:04 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Like u claim yourself as an oracle.


I never say IAM Zhuge Liang, you blockhead

Tonite you free?
(04-09-2023, 10:14 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]cai png stalls which are manned by jhks, and most of them are, are cooking Cantonese-style food.

The really, really best of the best Cantonese food cooked by locals..........those Cantonese ah soe who are now either dead, or have been promoted from ah soe to ah por...their skills have sadly not been picked up by the zoomer Cantonese women.  Authentic home-cooked Cantonese food cooked by our local women is now extinct.

Ooh I am referring to China Guangdong ladies the new generation where they share their cooking and life on China based social media. I am not referring to local or JHB Cantonese ladies cooking.
(04-09-2023, 05:20 PM)Jim Wrote: [ -> ]insulting pap's criteria for presidential eligibilty but still vote them in - what a hypocrite

Oh you are back. About time you receive a new barrage of insults. Son of a new citizen bitch.
(04-09-2023, 05:20 PM)Jim Wrote: [ -> ]insulting pap's criteria for presidential eligibilty but still vote them in - what a hypocrite

Why did Jim the Wimp support Tiko Lian so much?

His father was TKLConfused favourite dog Cooper.
(04-09-2023, 04:48 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Ooh I am referring to China Guangdong ladies the new generation where they share their cooking and life on China based social media. I am not referring to local or JHB Cantonese ladies cooking.

My bad.

Which cities of Guangdong have you been to?
(04-09-2023, 05:32 PM)Jim Wrote: [ -> ]speaking against the pap chief who had already
explained but still vote for his party hehe  -  spineless

Why did Jim the Wimp mistake the PE for the GE?

Because he got brain damage when he sucked on his dad' dick as a child.
(03-09-2023, 09:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]He said he is Zhuge Liang..

I changed my decision tó vote for him immediately after he said that

TKL is obviously a boastful retarded clown with low EQ and poor articulation skills, hence this is the result expected.
(03-09-2023, 09:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]He said he is Zhuge Liang..

I changed my decision tó vote for him immediately after he said that

(04-09-2023, 06:09 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Sibeh howlian lah! Big Grin Spoil Zhuge Liang's name lah!

(05-09-2023, 04:42 PM)lioncityftw Wrote: [ -> ]TKL is obviously a boastful retarded clown with low EQ and poor articulation skills, hence this is the result expected.

He dared to say I dare not hear lah! Big Grin
(05-09-2023, 05:36 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]He dared to say I dare not hear lah! Big Grin

See for 43:28 luckily he is not our president, else confirm xia suay tio impeached on the first day for talking nonsense..LOL:
(03-09-2023, 10:22 PM)SgWinner Wrote: [ -> ]i think he mean 猪哥亮 also Ti-Ko-Liang
Yes....that right.... Undecided
(03-09-2023, 09:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]He said he is Zhuge Liang..

I changed my decision tó vote for him immediately after he said that
Zhuge Liang....if he is a live, will LOL. Rotfl
(04-09-2023, 06:09 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Sibeh howlian lah! Big Grin Spoil Zhuge Liang's name lah!
Yes.....+two old man help, make it 3  mosquitos Rotfl
(05-09-2023, 07:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]Zhuge Liang....if he is a live, will LOL. Rotfl

(05-09-2023, 07:21 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]Yes.....+two old man help, make it 3  mosquitos Rotfl

诸葛亮就是足智多谋的孔明啦! Big Grin He was so wise and intelligent during the 3 kingdoms era leh!
(06-09-2023, 06:17 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]诸葛亮就是足智多谋的孔明啦! Big Grin He was so wise and intelligent during the 3 kingdoms era leh!
Chinese folklore love him till this day. Big Grin

(三国时蜀汉政治家) zhuge liang (181-234, a statesman and strategist, prime minister of the kingdom of shu in the period of the three kingdoms (220-265), who became a symbol of resourcefulness and wisdom in chinese folklore)
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