(Supreme Guru)

Registration Date: 16-07-2021
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Local Time: 16-01-2025 at 04:13 PM
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moonrab's Most Liked Post
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RE: Pritam Singh what's wrong with YOU? 01-03-2023, 01:23 PM 9
Thread Subject Forum Name
Pritam Singh what's wrong with YOU? SG Talk
Market Talk
Post Message
Why Singapore adopted Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English as official languages since day one.
Because we are make up of difference races to build this island state. 
So must respect all races putting up a stake in Singapore. 
That is our Singaporean spirit. 

English was in favour because of our British colonial government. Many laws, documents already practiced in English. It is also easier to links with the international markets. 

Between the local daily lives, we can use Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English accordingly to our comfort and practicality. 

That's Singapore. No one disagree until now Mr Pritam comes in Parliament. 

Can we force the Malay and Indian new citizens / PR to use only English in SG. Even the Indian and Bangladesh workers normally speak their own languages. Some cannot even speak English. So must we deport them.

English is selected for communication with a good purpose. To gel all races together locally and internationally. 
Not to use in immigration policy for disqualifying potential new immigrants. That is 100% negative. 

We are not the Anglo-Saxon society. That preaching English language worldwide. 

As a Leader of Opposition, Pritam is throughly disappointing. Plying Identity Politics non stop. 
Very sad for WP.

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