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Full Version: OH NO! Why Dr M wanting to start some racial??
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Why like that? Everything peaceful and fine ....

Old fugg dont die like assmericunt wanna stir stir stir ... because he want attention for his fat insecure ego ..... hope he die soon if not he will keep fanning race thingy
:He reportedly went on to claim that Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants to give the country away to “outsiders”.

“PH is led by a person who tells us that this country does not only belong to the Malays and that it also belongs to others.

“He wants to give this country away to outsiders. This I cannot accept as we are the ones who explored and open up the peninsular,” he was quoted as sayingouys."

He pointed DAP is outsiders of Malaysia 
Chinese Malaysian is others... Big Grin

Maybe he wanted 1 race in Malaysia. All become Malay..🤔

(05-09-2023, 01:51 PM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]:He reportedly went on to claim that Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants to give the country away to “outsiders”.

“PH is led by a person who tells us that this country does not only belong to the Malays and that it also belongs to others.

“He wants to give this country away to outsiders. This I cannot accept as we are the ones who explored and open up the peninsular,” he was quoted as sayingouys."

He pointed DAP is outsiders of Malaysia 
Chinese Malaysian is others... Big Grin

Maybe he wanted 1 race in Malaysia. All become Malay..🤔


he is bitter and angry his son is useless .... but why blame others .... blame his own sperm lah
(05-09-2023, 01:53 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]he is bitter and angry his son is useless .... but why blame others .... blame his own sperm lah

Mahathir has always had an inferiority complex with regards to the Chinese.  He fears their intellect, drive, propensity for hard work, entrepreneurship etc.  That is why he is aware that his people will become blue collar workers if meritocracy is practiced in Malaysia.  Dr M is afraid that the other races would be far ahead on a level-playing field.  
(09-11-2023, 01:41 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Mahathir has always had an inferiority complex with regards to the Chinese.  He fears their intellect, drive, propensity for hard work, entrepreneurship etc.  That is why he is aware that his people will become blue collar workers if meritocracy is practiced in Malaysia.  Dr M is afraid that the other races would be far ahead on a level-playing field.  

He also preyed on Msian Chinese that has an old saying 好男不当兵 and this is important becuz if your race can control the military essentially you have won half of the race to rule the country. Sad to say the Msia Chinese fall into this trap and only have themselves to blame for suffering under their bumi rules as none of them willing to serve in the army, navy, airforce etc. Even their polis also very few Chinese go apply and the Malay laugh at them say open house only 3 Chinese turn up. Msian Chinese throw away Chinese face.
(09-11-2023, 01:53 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]He also preyed on Msian Chinese that has an old saying 好男不当兵 and this is important becuz if your race can control the military essentially you have won half of the race to rule the country. Sad to say the Msia Chinese fall into this trap and only have themselves to blame for suffering under their bumi rules as none of them willing to serve in the army, navy, airforce etc. Even their polis also very few Chinese go apply and the Malay laugh at them say open house only 3 Chinese turn up. Msian Chinese throw away Chinese face.

Malaysian politicians are one-trick ponies always using the Chinese as their bogeyman.  They only know how to play the race card in politics. Without the Chinese, Malaysia would remain a country of farmers and fishermen. 
Former Malaysian PM Abdullah Badawi said it best when he advised his people not to rely too much on handouts as their knees would go weak from using crutches for too long. In fact, he went on to say that many of them were now relying on wheelchairs.
(09-11-2023, 01:58 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Malaysian politicians are one-trick ponies always using the Chinese as their bogeyman.  They only know how to play the race card in politics. Without the Chinese, Malaysia would remain a country of farmers and fishermen. 

But if the Chinese don't get involved in military and policing etc then be prepared to be bullied till forever. A country independence need a military force and this is foremost and most important. Only when security is secured do you talk about economy. Msia Chinese focus on the economy but ignore the military aspects and that is their Achilles heel which is being exploited heavily by other races. I slap your face what you want to do ? I got weapons legally you don't have so you better be obedient and don't create so much problem for me ok? Sounds familiar?