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Full Version: China : Pork price keeps falling as consumers tighten belts
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Ah butt so concerned about ahtiongs' livelihood? How about the ppl of ink deer and ass marrycunts?
How come another story said pork prices are rising?
(28-09-2023, 10:34 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]

Bloomberg's getting desperate these days. Everyday their articles are either harping on property companies or picking bits and pieces of random indicators to show that China is "collapsing".

The macro picture is quite straight forward - the global economy has entered a state of lethargy and China is affected as well. Their economy is slowing down and the government is making use of this development to wean off property as a growth driver in pursuit of higher tech and value added industries.

During this transition, employment vacancies have not caught up with jobs displaced resulting in stress at the labor market and capital investments have slowed down to adjust for the structural changes. Thankfully currently there are signs of stabilization with some green shoots here and there, but overall the economic picture remains challenging. 

That is really all there is to it. If one reads enough financial reports or business updates from listed companies, that is what you will get from them as well.
Ah tiong so poor now in china, cannot even afford to buy food like pork.

What a sad "country".
FYI " pork price might increase "

partly got Nipah virus in India recently.
(10-10-2023, 03:29 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]FYI " pork price might increase "

partly got Nipah virus in India recently.

Those smelly berak ganges sewage dirty CECA rats infect the poor piggy .... did they gang rape the pigs
Alamak pdf aso concerned about ahtiongs' pork price? And you dun even bothered by yr meager cpf oa?
China! China! China!.........  Rotfl