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Full Version: It makes no sense for Hamas to attack and invite retaliation...what happens next..
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The numbers of rockets used is in the thousands this time.

The operatio.appears to have caught Israel off guard.

The next steps is predictable. Israel will retaliate using a level of force that inflict pain on Palestinans in Gaza. Teh level of pain is Israel choosing because they have enough fire power to annihilate Gaza but doing so will turn Israel into a pariah state. Like they will target Hama members with collateralal damage. It will be brutal.

On the Hanas side it does not  seem to make sense if it just ends here with them taking a brutal retaliation and a defeat. 

I believe this war is likely to involve Iran which has plenty of unsettled business with US and Israel. It also has internal conflict and recently saw massive protests. By fighting a war like the one it had with Iraq that lasted 10yrs, the regime can cement its hold on power and cause serious damage to Israel in an attrition style war..
I think Israel will not exist in next 20yr.
.This will attract Hezbollah, a more powerful group to be involved.

Hezbollah praises the massive Hamas operation against Israel, and says it is message to Arab countries normalizing with Israel.

The terror group Hezbollah says it is in direct contact with the Hamas leadership in Gaza and abroad, and calls on Arab and Muslim peoples around the world to declare their support to Hamas and the Palestinian people, adding that armed resistance is the only way to confront the Israeli “aggression.”
(07-10-2023, 08:10 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The numbers of rockets used is in the thousands this time.

The operatio.appears to have caught Israel off guard.

The next steps is predictable. Israel will retaliate using a level of force that inflict pain on Palestinans in Gaza. Teh level of pain is Israel choosing because they have enough fire power to annihilate Gaza but doing so will turn Israel into a pariah state. Like they will target Hama members with collateralal damage. It will be brutal.

On the Hanas side it does seem to make sense if it just ends here with them taking a brutal retaliation and a defeat. 

I believe this war is likely to involve Iran which has plenty of unsettled business with US and Israel. It also has internal conflict and recently saw massive protests. By fighting a war like the one it had with Iraq that lasted 10yrs, the regime can cement its hold on power and cause serious damage to Israel in an attrition style war..

supply by Iran..if iran got nuke sure they throw at israel... Jerusalem,, yaliluya liao..
(07-10-2023, 08:48 PM)Simplemen Wrote: [ -> ]Whats next is the predictable Israeli air bombardment of Palestinian gaza civilians.

But what is unpredictable is how Hamas will respond. They may gave gotten new capabilities yet to be seen.

And this could very well be a rat trap to goad Israeli army to get into Gaza urban warfare where it has avoided like the plague. Remember how the Russian army was massacred by Chechens in the 1990s and the Israelis themselves were defeated by Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006.

surely they know what they are doing,, before they gamble,, sure got back up by big mountain.. big brother behind them are syria and iran,,,
(07-10-2023, 08:55 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]actually israel is palestine,,they come and take other land...belong to palestine.

Jews are Arab in general. Look at their damn faces.

Human love to separate themselves by languages or ethnic
Clear example..

Corner a dog in a dead-end street and it will turn and bite
HAMAS r still in Isreal with their backpacs in civilian clothes
they r tourists holding 53 Isrealis.
don't blame hostages also in civilians boys and girls soldiers
Nethan loos bashedUP need media help use old video
beri dangerous wiith Russians fully armde wit nukes and Iran mountainFul of state of the art missiles not rockets
Iranian drones beri effective
Russians have field experiences effective use of drones
carFUL lah aFrica cumming
aFricans strong just need intelligence
(08-10-2023, 04:08 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Clear example..

Corner a dog in a dead-end street and it will turn and bite

No wonder u keep biting Singapore.
Nethan beri pitiful magic gone all know dat Nazism no belief dat Holocauststoryanymore
they can link zakaria dat Ukraine with NAZIhome and Isreal
u all see othodoxJews spit onchristian no?
crying at that seniledBidn HelpMe
Putin watching closely now got Fatboy to make wartoys
(07-10-2023, 08:39 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ].This will attract Hezbollah, a more powerful group to be involved.

Hezbollah praises the massive Hamas operation against Israel, and says it is message to Arab countries normalizing with Israel.

The terror group Hezbollah says it is in direct contact with the Hamas leadership in Gaza and abroad, and calls on Arab and Muslim peoples around the world to declare their support to Hamas and the Palestinian people, adding that armed resistance is the only way to confront the Israeli “aggression.”

You are right Hezbollah likely to come into picture....
Stupid Hamas..sure die pain pain
In the aftermath, it is the Palestinian commoners who suffered will be paying a heavy price again. 

Who benefited in the attack? 
The Leaders supporting this killings.
u all no see Palestinian leaders meet Putin b4 the attacks
now Palestine is in Putin embrace
to rid nazi once and forall Putin has to deal with Isreal for REAL now
In the serb problemo narratives we know NAZI is no. 1
no.2 is militant Moslem.
Putin has been telling stories to us as studyboys
(07-10-2023, 08:41 PM)Simplemen Wrote: [ -> ]It makes perfect sense, to keep the Palestinian cause back to the front, now that Ukraine is becoming old news.

For the first time, Palestinians penetrated 20km deep inside Israeli territory, and are fighting Israelis inside Israeli territory, after defeating Israeli border forces, armour & tanks.

Israeli Iron Dome was overwhelmed by Palestinian rocket barrage.

Iron Dome? Turned out it is designed for yesterday's weapons and yesterday's attacks. 

Today you can launch hundreds of low cost rockets drones at the same time...such a system would be overwhelmed

You are only safe if you can secure the peace amount of weaponry and tech can buy u peace.

I am surprise early this year the Israeli were instigating over pieces of land in occupied territories chasing out people ...the Palestinians already lost like 95% post world war 2 and now just have gaza and West Bank. Yet for right wing Israeli they cannot live and let live ...they had to instigate. With the backs to the wall people can do desperate things....

Netanyahu govt operate in extreme and this is concerning. Article below predicted this govt will push country to a new war

Quote:But the effects of the policies on the 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel and the 5.2 million Palestinians living in the occupied territories will be catastrophic, building upon years of policies that Israeli human rights organizations say constitute crimes against humanity.
The human rights defenders and experts in Israeli politics I spoke with emphasized that this government is not a departure from previous ones — indeed, it’s Netanyahu’s sixth time leading the country. Rather, it’s a culmination of Israeli politics drifting farther and farther to the right, and decades longer of policies that amount to de facto annexation of the occupied West Bank, and policies of Jewish supremacy

The right wing us promoting the idea of "Jewish Supremacy" and further suppression of Palestinians.
Yes victims of the Holocaust become the oppressors and borrows the concept of racial Supremacy from the Nazis.
Hamas r in civilian clothes in Isreal taking hostages.
those r also in civilian clothes some s h i t in their pants
Heavy tanks are now in Gaza trying to push back hamas
a desperate Nethan keep saying Biden supported him
same with Egypt saying she toking to both none stop
Yemenis in their thousands have taken to the streets expressing supports to palestine in their hr to make a difference
btw Yemenis r j e ws
Mossad screwed up. Surprised.

Another Yom Kippur war? 50 years already...
(07-10-2023, 08:10 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The numbers of rockets used is in the thousands this time.

The operatio.appears to have caught Israel off guard.

The next steps is predictable. Israel will retaliate using a level of force that inflict pain on Palestinans in Gaza. Teh level of pain is Israel choosing because they have enough fire power to annihilate Gaza but doing so will turn Israel into a pariah state. Like they will target Hama members with collateralal damage. It will be brutal.

On the Hanas side it does not  seem to make sense if it just ends here with them taking a brutal retaliation and a defeat. 

I believe this war is likely to involve Iran which has plenty of unsettled business with US and Israel. It also has internal conflict and recently saw massive protests. By fighting a war like the one it had with Iraq that lasted 10yrs, the regime can cement its hold on power and cause serious damage to Israel in an attrition style war..

Iran's fingerprints are all over this latest Hamas terror campaign. How many countries can arm Hamas with so many rockets, or train their fighters to effectively conceal their buildup until the very last moment? 

Palestine can kiss its independence movement goodbye. No Arab country apart from Iran will see the benefits of supporting Palestinian independence and Hamas as being more than normalising and improving ties with Israel. They've long since given up on Palestinians; it seems the only ones who haven't gotten the message about what a lost cause is are the Palestinians themselves.
(08-10-2023, 04:08 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Clear example..

Corner a dog in a dead-end street and it will turn and bite

Are you talking about Alex Tan?  Thinking
(08-10-2023, 09:28 AM)Basic_Strategy Wrote: [ -> ]Iran's fingerprints are all over this latest Hamas terror campaign. How many countries can arm Hamas with so many rockets, or train their fighters to effectively conceal their buildup until the very last moment? 

Palestine can kiss its independence movement goodbye. No Arab country apart from Iran will see the benefits of supporting Palestinian independence and Hamas as being more than normalising and improving ties with Israel. They've long since given up on Palestinians; it seems the only ones who haven't gotten the message about what a lost cause is are the Palestinians themselves.

Iran cannot support Hamas, but US allowed to selling weapons to Israel terrorists ?  Rotfl
It's farking US's fault.
(08-10-2023, 07:49 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Stupid Hamas..sure die pain pain

Send yr ex PRC wife into Israel to fight lah.

U ah gua la Laughing
(07-10-2023, 09:09 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Jews are Arab in general. Look at their damn faces.

Human love to separate themselves by languages or ethnic

look in jhk face Laughing
(08-10-2023, 10:47 AM)pervertosan Wrote: [ -> ]look in jhk face Laughing

Yr CB very itchy... liao. Today my Bangla workers off day. Laughing
(08-10-2023, 08:43 AM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]In the aftermath, it is the Palestinian commoners who suffered will be paying a heavy price again. 

Who benefited in the attack? 
The Leaders supporting this killings.

It is tit for tat. Palestinian commers die so are Israeli commoners. So it boil down to how many died on each side and compete who die more.
(08-10-2023, 11:36 AM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]It is tit for tat. Palestinian commers die so are Israeli commoners. So it boil down to how many died on each side and compete who die more.

That is tragedy for the commoners. Which sides doesn't matter. Sad 😔

The one to die should be the leader callings for violence. Unfortunately, that's not the case. .
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