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Full Version: Israel’s changing narrative on the deadly bombing of Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital
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Lots of fake news spread by them to deny responsibility.
(20-10-2023, 08:37 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Lots of fake news spread by them to deny responsibility.

Unintentional/honest fake noose lah. If they wanted to deny from the start they bombed the hospital, why the minister tweeted they did it then later on delete. Was he not informed they were supposed to cover up their premeditated deed. Why post erroneous bdeos with wrong time stamp of rockets exploding when a competent fake wan would do the trick. Iz because they realise they dint bomb the hospital and were digging up evidence to prove their innocence in a rush. Why deny dis wan when all the other terrible bombings they mea culpa.
(20-10-2023, 03:06 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]Unintentional/honest fake noose lah. If they wanted to deny from the start they bombed the hospital, why the minister tweeted they did it then later on delete. Was he not informed they were supposed to cover up their premeditated deed. Why post erroneous bdeos with wrong time stamp of rockets exploding when a competent fake wan would do the trick. Iz because they realise they dint bomb the hospital and were digging up evidence to prove their innocence in a rush. Why deny dis wan when all the other terrible bombings they mea culpa.

IDF bombed a Church overnight killing 8 people, nowhere is safe.
(20-10-2023, 03:39 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]IDF bombed a Church overnight killing 8 people, nowhere is safe.

Tioh. Did they deny dis and push the blame to Hamas allies once again?
Al Jazeera, state owned media of Qatar, a Muslim state. Don't expect unbias report from there. Even their first "justification" of HAMA rocket intercepted by iron dome doesn't match the operation capability of iron dome, they continue to say it is iron dome because they can afford not to talk about operation capability and people will believe it.

Likewise, iron dome interception always create a explosion at target aka a fireball and then the target will shatter to pieces in fire, like a mini burning firework in the sky. However, in this case, the rocket clearly has a trailing tail of fire, like a rocket engine burning up. They too conveniently not compare iron dome interception side by side with other related video. People believe it.

As for the heat map, lol, I am sure their camera has thermal vision and capable of capture high details at the night. Clearly they manipulate the video pixels to show what they want.

Fake news is strong.
(20-10-2023, 03:44 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]Tioh. Did they deny dis and push the blame to Hamas allies once again?
That’s not the point, they shall never bomb mosques, churches, schools and hospitals…WHO condemns Israel for bombing & attacking hospitals and medical facilities for 58 times in the past week killing hundreds of patients and dozens of medical workers. The IDF also bombed ambulances…14 UN workers were also killed, it is inhuman and violates international law against humanity.
(20-10-2023, 04:00 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]That’s not the point, they shall never bomb mosques, churches, schools and hospitals…WHO condemns Israel for bombing & attacking hospitals and medical facilities for 58 times in the past week killing hundreds of patients and dozens of medical workers. The IDF also bombed ambulances…14 UN workers were also killed, it is inhuman and violates international law against humanity.

No, it actually fucking important. It is telling people HAMA firing rockets from their backyard can kill their very own people. This very fact is being hardcore denied by the Muslims, Christians and braindead sympathizer.
(20-10-2023, 04:11 PM)Lu5ck Wrote: [ -> ]No, it actually fucking important. It is telling people HAMA firing rockets from their backyard can kill their very own people. This very fact is being hardcore denied by the Muslims, Christians and braindead sympathizer.

The fighting between two sides didn’t start last week but has lasted for the past 70 years already. Hamas attacked Israel to take revenge of IDF killing 2000 Palestinians a few years ago. You are such a stupid idiot and Zionist!
(20-10-2023, 04:00 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]That’s not the point, they shall never bomb mosques, churches, schools and hospitals…WHO condemns Israel for bombing & attacking hospitals and medical facilities for 58 times in the past week killing hundreds of patients and dozens of medical workers. The IDF also bombed ambulances…14 UN workers were also killed, it is inhuman and violates international law against humanity.

No one iz saying it is right. As I said, they neber denied their bombing of these humanity shelters, why deny the Ahli Arab wan? The Israeli minister even thot they bombed it until IDF clarified dat they dint. During war no side will play nice. This iz a war of exacting vengence, evil will be committed otherwise how to win? Krazy radicals will even behead their prisoners and parade them. Russians even castrate their prisoners of war. Which side is more brutal?
(20-10-2023, 04:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The fighting between two sides didn’t start last week but has lasted for the past 70 years already. Hamas attacked Israel to take revenge of IDF killing 2000 Palestinians a few years ago. You are such a stupid idiot and Zionist!

Peace be with you. Lidat God is oso Zionist.
(20-10-2023, 04:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The fighting between two sides didn’t start last week but has lasted for the past 70 years already. Hamas attacked Israel to take revenge of IDF killing 2000 Palestinians a few years ago. You are such a stupid idiot and Zionist!

Religion of peace, lmao.
(20-10-2023, 04:45 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-0478.jpg]

Which conflicts have no death? At least they didn't ethnic cleanse like Muslim did.

[Image: chart.jpg]

You have no moral high ground here.
(20-10-2023, 06:19 PM)Lu5ck Wrote: [ -> ]Which conflicts have no death? At least they didn't ethnic cleanse like Muslim did.

[Image: chart.jpg]

You have no moral high ground here.

We are talking about Palestine, ain’t we? You are off topic.

[Image: IMG-0493.webp]

If Jewish extremists or Zionists can return to Palestine occupying their land and chase away Palestinian people just because their ancestors used to live there 2000 years ago, then Bugis people from Indonesia can also return to Spore and get rid of all Sporeans and create their own country.
(20-10-2023, 03:06 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]Unintentional/honest fake noose lah. If they wanted to deny from the start they bombed the hospital, why the minister tweeted they did it then later on delete. Was he not informed they were supposed to cover up their premeditated deed. Why post erroneous bdeos with wrong time stamp of rockets exploding when a competent fake wan would do the trick. Iz because they realise they dint bomb the hospital and were digging up evidence to prove their innocence in a rush. Why deny dis wan when all the other terrible bombings they mea culpa.

The IDF bombed churches, mosques, schools, hospitals and refugee camps not by accident but did it on purpose…WHO says hospitals have been bombed 58 times and 7 mosques were destroyed…the IDF wants to kill them all due to hatred, targeting civilians violates the international law and humanity, these are war crimes. I neither support Hamas terrorists nor the brutality of the IDF. Hamas killed 1000 Israelis in missile attack, the IDF has already killed 3800 Palestinian civilians, and they are now sending in ground troops to kill more for revenge. This will not resolve the problem but deepen the hostility among Palestinians and Arab world, more revenge will take place years down the road, there will be no ending.
(20-10-2023, 06:50 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The IDF bombed churches, mosques, schools, hospitals and refugee camps not by accident but did it on purpose…WHO says hospitals have been bombed 58 times and 7 mosques were destroyed…the IDF wants to kill them all due to hatred, targeting civilians violates the international law and humanity, these are war crimes. I neither support Hamas terrorists nor the brutality of the IDF. Hamas killed 1000 Israelis in missile attack, the IDF has already killed 3800 Palestinian civilians, and they are now sending in ground troops to kill more for revenge. This will not resolve the problem but deepen the hostility among Palestinians and Arab world, more revenge will take place years down the road, there will be no ending.

I already say confirm no end. This generation you kill my parents. I grow up I go kill back in next generation then they buay song grow up kill back my offspring generation. 冤冤相报何时了?
(20-10-2023, 06:33 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]We are talking about Palestine, ain’t we? You are off topic.

[Image: IMG-0493.webp]

If Jewish extremists or Zionists can return to Palestine occupying their land and chase away Palestinian people just because their ancestors used to live there 2000 years ago, then Bugis people from Indonesia can also return to Spore and get rid of all Sporeans and create their own country.

Off topic because is not convenient to your narrative that Muslim community is saint. On the subject of the land, well we have

Again, history dictate Jews were there first and Muslims kick them out but all of a sudden, the Muslims own that land now. Amusing.
(20-10-2023, 06:50 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The IDF bombed churches, mosques, schools, hospitals and refugee camps not by accident but did it on purpose…WHO says hospitals have been bombed 58 times and 7 mosques were destroyed…the IDF wants to kill them all due to hatred, targeting civilians violates the international law and humanity, these are war crimes. I neither support Hamas terrorists nor the brutality of the IDF. Hamas killed 1000 Israelis in missile attack, the IDF has already killed 3800 Palestinian civilians, and they are now sending in ground troops to kill more for revenge. This will not resolve the problem but deepen the hostility among Palestinians and Arab world, more revenge will take place years down the road, there will be no ending.

Some bombings mebbe accidental, some mebbe on target. The main point iz IDF no deny they are behind it unlike dis Al Ahli hospital bombing. Evil begets evil dats why the world will eventually end. End times iz now.
Sometimes another religion better it teach ppl 放下屠刀立地成佛 aka put down butcher knife and gain enlightenment to be ... Cannot say last word wait kena whack
(20-10-2023, 06:33 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]We are talking about Palestine, ain’t we? You are off topic.

[Image: IMG-0493.webp]

If Jewish extremists or Zionists can return to Palestine occupying their land and chase away Palestinian people just because their ancestors used to live there 2000 years ago, then Bugis people from Indonesia can also return to Spore and get rid of all Sporeans and create their own country.

I believe Mahathir says the original inhabitants are from Bolehland. He got bring up the topic of reclaiming Sinpwn a few time if I no remember wrongly.

The difference iz Bohlehlanders oredy got nice, big land to live in, Israelis got nothing so they fight to claim back the land.
(20-10-2023, 06:33 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]We are talking about Palestine, ain’t we? You are off topic.

[Image: IMG-0493.webp]

If Jewish extremists or Zionists can return to Palestine occupying their land and chase away Palestinian people just because their ancestors used to live there 2000 years ago, then Bugis people from Indonesia can also return to Spore and get rid of all Sporeans and create their own country.
Singapore Chinese will have to go back to China, Singapore Indian will have to return to India, Singapore Philippino will have to return to Philippines. Those Han that hate China go where?
(20-10-2023, 06:19 PM)Lu5ck Wrote: [ -> ]Which conflicts have no death? At least they didn't ethnic cleanse like Muslim did.

[Image: chart.jpg]

You have no moral high ground here.

Have you asked yourself why did the Jews settled in Persia (Iran) and all across the Arab lands from 300 BC to the time of Jesus and beyond? 

These happened to be the period when the Greeks & Romans took turns to invade Jerusalem. 

Is it because they were fleeing persecution by the Greeks & Romans, and the Persians and Arabs were the ones who gave them refuge?
(20-10-2023, 07:08 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]I believe Mahathir says the original inhabitants are from Bolehland. He got bring up the topic of reclaiming Sinpwn a few time if I no remember wrongly.

The difference iz Bohlehlanders oredy got nice, big land to live in, Israelis got nothing so they fight to claim back the land.

He got test water, Singapore had mobilization on national day once because Malaysia try to play parachute exercise.
(20-10-2023, 07:04 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes another religion better it teach ppl 放下屠刀立地成佛 aka put down butcher knife and gain enlightenment to be ... Cannot say last word wait kena whack

Aiyo, you already put down the religion in Chinese.
(20-10-2023, 07:12 PM)Simplemen Wrote: [ -> ]Have you asked yourself why did the Jews settled in Persia (Iran) and all across the Arab lands from 300 BC to the time of Jesus and beyond? 

These happened to be the period when the Greeks & Romans took turns to invade Jerusalem. 

Is it because they were fleeing persecution by the Greeks & Romans, and the Persians and Arabs were the ones who gave them refuge?

Yes, they are conquered by a lot of countries but Rome did allow Judaism as legal religion at several point of history. When Caliphate conquered Jerusalem, they start converting these Jews because Islam has high focus on memberships. Mind you, my Muslim friends too agree membership is a big deal in Islam. So naturally, when you try to convert people, you are doing a minimum death ethnic cleansing.

Since Jews originated from Jerusalem, naturally they run to surrounding regions like Europe, North Africa, Middle East.
(20-10-2023, 07:04 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes another religion better it teach ppl 放下屠刀立地成佛 aka put down butcher knife and gain enlightenment to be ... Cannot say last word wait kena whack

That religion teaches us that

"Remember always that you are just a visitor here, a traveller passing through.
Your stay is but short and the moment of your departure unknown."

Why fight over a land that does not belong to you eternally.
(20-10-2023, 07:23 PM)Lu5ck Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, they are conquered by a lot of countries but Rome did allow Judaism as legal religion at several point of history. When Caliphate conquered Jerusalem, they start converting these Jews because Islam has high focus on memberships. Mind you, my Muslim friends too agree membership is a big deal in Islam. So naturally, when you try to convert people, you are doing a minimum death ethnic cleansing.

Since Jews originated from Jerusalem, naturally they run to surrounding regions like Europe, North Africa, Middle East.

So you listen to your friends rather than find out from legit sources? 

You contradicted yourself when you said they ran to seek refuge & settled in Muslim lands for hundreds of years, and in the same breadth they were ethnically cleansed by the Muslims.
(20-10-2023, 07:12 PM)Clyde Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore Chinese will have to go back to China, Singapore Indian will have to return to India, Singapore Philippino will have to return to Philippines. Those Han that hate China go where?

Got many sinkies por Ang moh rampa one can go to USA see if they are accepted or not
(20-10-2023, 07:12 PM)Simplemen Wrote: [ -> ]Have you asked yourself why did the Jews settled in Persia (Iran) and all across the Arab lands from 300 BC to the time of Jesus and beyond? 

These happened to be the period when the Greeks & Romans took turns to invade Jerusalem. 

Is it because they were fleeing persecution by the Greeks & Romans, and the Persians and Arabs were the ones who gave them refuge?

Jews were a diasporic, scattered pop @ the time due to widespread persecution. They were made slaves and third class citizens during the Roman empire and settled wherever they could. As for Persian and Arab nations giving them refuge, just remember these nations were worshipping other gods at this time. Islamism ony came into existence after the fall of the Roman Empire. Oredy you yourself just posted BC.
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