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Full Version: US to be hit hard if no ceasefire in Gaza Iran's defense chief
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War is expanding. Into Syria, Iraq, Lebanon,  Gaza, Westbank and Israel.
With Iran and Russia from behind.
You simply cannot fight Russia
Isreal has threatened to use nuke in another 'shock and awe' good luck with dat
Russia can turn the battlefield with mininukes of all kinds and sustain it
Russia is no.1 supplier of fuels.
HAMAS begins to fight like the Russians in Ukraine with Drones and anti-tanks
Hezbollah is better endowed
SurprisedIran threatened US.

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第五百九十六集|面对以色列美还真乖! Rotfl 布林肯上演一场烂戏!
(06-11-2023, 08:54 AM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]War is expanding. Into Syria, Iraq, Lebanon,  Gaza, Westbank and Israel.
With Iran and Russia from behind.

Nothing new lah - its US nature new wars to prop up its economy....

Forever War is the best business strategy for any shareholders of arms manufacturer..

They can use the results of Israeli bombings and invasion of Gaza as great marketing advert.. Demolition of hospitals, schools, residential flats and justify it is good investment for "Self Defence"...

Someone will be earning FAT year-end BONUS this year.