12-11-2023, 10:32 PM
Quote:It’s not random that I am posting more on international affairs.
The world is fracturing into pockets of chaos and war. These might turn global. Countries are turning tribal, allying against one another.
As the world’s most open economy, Singapore is very vulnerable to global economic shifts.
As a small multi cultural island state , we are vulnerable to global political events.
We are price-takers.
This means that many of the domestic issues Singapore face, are very much dictated by external circumstances.
Take cost of living.
We are an import economy.
If global prices rise, our cost of living will rise.
There is little the Government can do to reverse this. Or the Opposition.
They can only subsidise costs, but there is a limit to this.
Where is the money going to come from?
So Singaporeans need to break out of the Kampung Mentality and look outwards more.
Break out of the little island mentality.
And understand that our domestic issue are never really domestic.
Singapore is a little boat on a big ocean.
If there is a storm, we may not survive.