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If just listen to HSA and MOH... I don't think everyone likes to go horlan lah.

Now so much evidence that Pfizer and Moderna efficacy rate low yet they still going for Pfizer and wanna jab kids...

I think lots of evidence Singapore going horlan with current administration.
(18-11-2021, 12:05 AM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Oh great TCM … even China said …. fugg it

Tai-wart covid testing is so low vs the population size … less test less know 

Tai-wart with a population size of 23.57 million only 8,000,235 are test are done vs SG of 5.8m population, 21,098,774 tests were done

Less test means less positive and less covid death. Its like stick your head in the sand.

I back it up with links.

You listen to which news?
Most if not all covid patients in MC now are treated with TCM and modern methods.

Herbals is known to contains components that inhibit CoVid.
It is used or tested not only in East, but in every continent except oceania.

I repeat Vaccine alone will never solve a mutation virus.
It is common science, teaching the body something that is not identical will
have slip up.
It need assistance, the more the better.
If to follow your method , this pandemic will drag many more years.
Is that is your contribution to the world?
It is all about vested interests, little to do with knowledge. Who are the guys sitting at the top of the medicines here?
(18-11-2021, 07:25 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]You listen to which news?
Most if not all covid patients in MC now are treated with TCM and modern methods.

Herbals is known to contains components that inhibit CoVid.
It is used or tested not only in East, but in every continent except oceania.

I repeat Vaccine alone will never solve a mutation virus.
It is common science, teaching the body something that is not identical will
have slip up.
It need assistance, the more the better.
If to follow your method , this pandemic will drag many more years.
Is that is your contribution to the world?

Don't waste time reasoning with him lah. He is totally brainwashed with ang moh medicine.  Let him be.

no wonder cases in some countries/regions are going down while some going up...
(17-11-2021, 10:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]明天煮一道青蛙排骨汤来补一补,可以吗?

你有证据 青蛙 有补吗?😎
(18-11-2021, 10:14 AM)Harry Lee Wrote: [ -> ]你有证据 青蛙 有补吗?😎

(17-11-2021, 05:47 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Lesson learnt: Just follow Ang Mo, should be correct.

In real world, there is no such thing as correct or wrong.
It may change as time goes.

It is only good or bad. So try not to use the word correct or wrong.
Here are some helpful advice from people in different countries who self-recover from covid infection ..Basically, all took some 莲花清瘟胶囊 and are able to recover by themselves.. You can search in youtube and internet for covid recovery, 莲花清瘟胶囊 has proven to work .
Too long don't watch.. I summarize
This first one from Malaysia took 莲花清瘟胶囊和清肺汤,姜、柠檬、蒜煮水喝!喝椰子水加盐、喝中药,晒太阳,多喝水,Vit C
The second one was from Africa who was prescribed hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin but took 莲花清瘟胶囊和清肺汤 as well
The 3rd one from UK also took 莲花清瘟胶囊 / alot
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