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Full Version: In SG, you die and rot is your own biz
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61% voted for an Irresponsible & Cruel PAP

All jobs, Tech and Non-Tech using unfettered access are given to FTs

Yet PAP can say such things

[Image: CCS-No-one-owes-u-a-living-2016.png]
No heart feeling ?
sorry mervyn Sad
Which idiotic 61% believe that Inequality= Hope??

[Image: dis-Grace-Inequality-and-Hope-2019.png]
(30-12-2023, 05:33 PM)FangFang Wrote: [ -> ]No heart feeling ?

After so many years, now, then we know..
World's countries ranking the numbers of elderly man died alone in govt apartments..

No.1  ?
worldwide a matter of Time.
After so many years of independence, it's becoming ridiculous

They are only busy with rats and mosquitos
they study mosquitoes' genetics
we understand they have needles
troubling hope it is for good.
(30-12-2023, 07:41 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ].
After so many years of independence, it's becoming ridiculous

They are only busy with rats and mosquitos

and returning trays at hawker centres
"we are making Singapore a City for All Ages. 26,000 households collected keys to their new or resale HDB flats and enjoyed generous housing subsidies. 150,000 senior citizens are benefitting from Silver Support. We have completed our review of the CPF and launched the $3bil Successful Aging Masterplan. "
31 Dec 2016
Ministry of Health News Highlights
26TH AUG 2015

1.    The Ministerial Committee on Ageing today unveiled key new features of a $3billion national plan to help Singaporeans age confidently and lead active lives, with strong bonds with family and community.

2.    The Action Plan for Successful Ageing, which Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong mentioned in his National Day Rally speech, includes about 60 initiatives covering 12 areas, namely, health and wellness, learning, volunteerism, employment, housing, transport, public spaces, respect and social inclusion, retirement adequacy, healthcare and aged care, protection for vulnerable seniors and research. It comes after a year-long series of consultations involving over 4,000 Singaporeans and grassroots leaders by the Ministerial Committee and its partners."
we have primary care where we will give u medicines for the rest of your lives
(31-12-2023, 03:02 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"we are making Singapore a City for All Ages. 26,000 households collected keys to their new or resale HDB flats and enjoyed generous housing subsidies. 150,000 senior citizens are benefitting from Silver Support. We have completed our review of the CPF and launched the $3bil Successful Aging Masterplan. "
31 Dec 2016

So far, did anyone saw the S$3,000,000,000 Ageing Masterplan?

Maybe too glaring
(31-12-2023, 07:00 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ].
So far, did anyone saw the S$3,000,000,000 Ageing Masterplan?

Maybe too glaring

Yep since Year 2000..🤣
Sorry spoil you fun mate!

Understanding the Fundamentals of Singapore’s Healthcare System
Singapore’s healthcare system is the envy of the world. 

By every measurement, it performs exceedingly well. The country placed 6th in the World Health Organization‘s ranking of the world’s health systems in the year 2000, a position it has held to the present day. 

The Economist Intelligence Unit placed Singapore 2nd out of 166 countries for health-care outcomes. 
Bloomberg Global Health Index of 163 countries ranked Singapore the 4th healthiest country in the world.

This superb level of healthcare means that Singaporeans enjoy an extremely high standard of living. And, as of 2019, Singaporeans had the world’s longest life expectancy at 84.8 years. The secret to the country’s success is a source of debate, especially among countries that wish to emulate their results-driven model. 

Some critics argue that it’s easy for Singapore to deliver such great healthcare as they lack many of the public health concerns other countries have in spades. The prohibitively high cost of car ownership means the public gets plenty of exercise, has less exposure to exhaust pollution, and experience far fewer traffic accidents.

 As well, incredibly strict gun and drug laws help to keep crime in check. Other pundits point out that Singapore’s model puts a greater level of responsibility in the hands of patients, which reduces frivolous visits.

In truth, Singapore’s success is likely a combination of all these factors and more. In any case, it’s a unique model that serves its citizens well.
The worst is Heng SK dumb East Coast Plan

that is nothing special but to deceive the dumb 61% voters

by copying Dubai only