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Full Version: The Countries With the Best Elderly Care : No.1 Norway. No idea SG?
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"The Countries With the Best Elderly Care

Norway. With its strong sense of community, 100% pension coverage and financial security for older adults, it's no wonder that Norway is consistently found in the number one spot. ...
Sweden. ...
Switzerland. ...
Germany. ...
Canada. ...
The US. ...
Great Britain. ...",Great%20Britain.%20...
With increasing numbers of Singaporean elderly men died alone recent years in HDB, Singapore will never appear among top 50 rankings.

So rich yet so poor
This gov alot of ideas to collect money but no ideas to solve social doesn't want to spend...
(30-12-2023, 05:13 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ].
With increasing numbers of Singaporean elderly men died alone recent years in HDB, Singapore will never appear among top 50 rankings.

So rich yet so poor

Scy, you are damn wrong..🤣
Australia behind Singapore.🤭

Best Countries For Elderly People To Live In
Overall Ranking Country Life Expectancy Health Care Index Score World Happiness Report Score Safety Index Score

1 Switzerland 84.3 74.5 7.571 76.4

2 Finland 82.5 77.1 7.804 73.2

3 Denmark 81.4 79.2 7.586 73.4

4 Netherlands 82.8 77.1 7.464 72.7

5 Taiwan 81.0 85.9 6.584 83.8

6 Japan 85.0 80.3 5.94 76.9

7 Austria 82.1 77.2 7.268 72.7

8 Iceland 83.5 67.0 7.53 75.1

9 Norway 82.9 76.7 7.392 66.5

10 Israel 83.5 73.5 7.157 67.4

11 Spain 84.0 77.9 6.491 64.3

12 Luxembourg 82.8 75.0 7.324 64.9

13 South Korea 83.5 83.0 5.845 74.5

14 Czech Republic 79.9 75.5 6.965 73.4

15 Singapore 84.1 70.9 6.377 70.8

16 Australia 83.9 75.3 7.183 54.5

17 Germany 81.9 71.9 7.155 62.4

18 United Arab Emirates 78.5 69.6 6.561 84.9

19 Estonia 79.2 74.1 6.189 74.9

20 Slovenia 81.9
This listing remind where to retire is best.
(30-12-2023, 05:22 PM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]Scy, you are damn wrong..🤣
Australia behind Singapore.🤭

Best Countries For Elderly People To Live In
Overall Ranking Country Life Expectancy Health Care Index Score World Happiness Report Score Safety Index Score

1 Switzerland 84.3 74.5 7.571 76.4

2 Finland 82.5 77.1 7.804 73.2

3 Denmark 81.4 79.2 7.586 73.4

4 Netherlands 82.8 77.1 7.464 72.7

5 Taiwan 81.0 85.9 6.584 83.8

6 Japan 85.0 80.3 5.94 76.9

7 Austria 82.1 77.2 7.268 72.7

8 Iceland 83.5 67.0 7.53 75.1

9 Norway 82.9 76.7 7.392 66.5

10 Israel 83.5 73.5 7.157 67.4

11 Spain 84.0 77.9 6.491 64.3

12 Luxembourg 82.8 75.0 7.324 64.9

13 South Korea 83.5 83.0 5.845 74.5

14 Czech Republic 79.9 75.5 6.965 73.4

15 Singapore 84.1 70.9 6.377 70.8

16 Australia 83.9 75.3 7.183 54.5

17 Germany 81.9 71.9 7.155 62.4

18 United Arab Emirates 78.5 69.6 6.561 84.9

19 Estonia 79.2 74.1 6.189 74.9

20 Slovenia 81.9

He slaps on his face by posting this, no wonder he returned to Spore now. 1 AUD is only 0.88 SGD. Old folks Home costs a bomb per month downunder.
(30-12-2023, 05:55 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]He slaps on his face by posting this, no wonder he returned to Spore now. 1 AUD is only 0.88 SGD. Old folks Home costs a bomb per month downunder.

He slapped own face many times..🤣
Making a fool of himself in front of Singaporeans. 

Poor chap though. Anyhow shoot without brain.
"Here are the countries with the best elderly care in each continent:

Continent Which Country Has the Best Elderly Care? Health Care Index Score
Africa South Africa 63.7
Asia Taiwan 85.9
Europe France 79.4
North and Central America Mexico 72.5
Oceania Australia 75.3",75.3
"Health Care Index Score

The Health Care Index Score measures the quality of the health care systems in different countries. Overall health care is important to everyone, but especially older adults. Here are the top 30 countries:

Rank Country Health Care Index Score
1 Taiwan 85.9
2 South Korea 83.0
3 Japan 80.3
4 France 79.4
5 Denmark 79.2
6 Spain 77.9
7 Thailand 77.9
8 Austria 77.2
9 Netherlands 77.1
10 Finland 77.1
11 Norway 76.7
12 Czech Republic 75.5
13 Australia 75.3
14 Belgium 75.2
15 Luxembourg 75.0
16 Switzerland 74.5
17 United Kingdom 74.1
18 Estonia 74.1
19 Qatar 73.8
20 Israel 73.5
21 Lithuania 73.2
22 Mexico 72.5
23 Sri Lanka 72.0
24 Germany 71.9
25 Portugal 71.5
26 New Zealand 71.0
27 Turkey 71.0
28 Singapore 70.9",70.9,-29

One by one quietly dying alone in HDB ( no one knows) and you call this good elderly healthcare service..

A disgrace to those who died.

The next one maybe is you, Moonrad