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Full Version: Taiwan travel agencies threaten protest over gov't U-turn on China group travel ban
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(09-02-2024, 12:06 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]

The Taiwanese tourism industry doesn't have much time left. With the rapid improvements in domestic tourism service providers within China for the past few years, I reckon they have at most 3 - 4 years left before their competitive moats are wiped out.

Coupled with China's recent liberal push to award visa free entries to many countries and the rapid depreciation in JPY lowering the cost of touring in Japan, the situation is certain to get tougher in the upcoming years for Taiwanese tourism. 

They need to up their socks fast and come up with a refreshed marketing campaign and increase the velocity of novelty attractions like Singapore, just sticking to the same tag lines and selling the "little Japan" story isn't going to cut the mustard anymore. For many people around the region, why settle for a fake "little Japan" when you can get a real and much bigger one at almost the same price?
(09-02-2024, 01:24 PM)maxsanic Wrote: [ -> ]The Taiwanese tourism industry doesn't have much time left. With the rapid improvements in domestic tourism service providers within China for the past few years, I reckon they have at most 3 - 4 years left before their competitive moats are wiped out.

Coupled with China's recent liberal push to award visa free entries to many countries and the rapid depreciation in JPY lowering the cost of touring in Japan, the situation is certain to get tougher in the upcoming years for Taiwanese tourism. 

They need to up their socks fast and come up with a refreshed marketing campaign and increase the velocity of novelty attractions like Singapore, just sticking to the same tag lines and selling the "little Japan" story isn't going to cut the mustard anymore. For many people around the region, why settle for a fake "little Japan" when you can get a real and much bigger one at almost the same price?

Taiwan wants to decouple with China, the DPP government blocks all the communication channels with China. Taiwan doesn’t want Chinese tourists for political reasons
BAN China
Stop China
They voted for it
(09-02-2024, 01:52 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]Taiwan wants to decouple with China, the DPP government blocks all the communication channels with China. Taiwan doesn’t want Chinese tourists for political reasons

That much is obvious, but the problem for their tourism industry is far more dire and deep reaching then such usual political shenanigans. Now with the TSMC led semicon industry facing significant challenges from US, China and Korea over the medium term, if they cannot retain even the hospitality industry, then there really are no economic growth drivers left.
(09-02-2024, 01:52 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]Taiwan wants to decouple with China, the DPP government blocks all the communication channels with China. Taiwan doesn’t want Chinese tourists for political reasons

So Taiwan will reject monies over political reasons I see. Got backbone keep it up.
The Tw province is rather backward while many parts of china are fast advancing
(09-02-2024, 12:06 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]

Independent Taiwan cut off from China liao lah! Big Grin
It was an epic back then when I was in TW for my holiday. I happened bang into a PRC tour group at sun moon lake. Their tour guide actually said this to his PRC tourist “ok this is Sun moon lake. You are given an hour here to explore on your own. You can take all the photos you want but we will leave exactly an hour later. The bus will not wait for you.”
(10-02-2024, 06:56 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Independent Taiwan cut off from China liao lah! Big Grin

It's up to the 1.4b + 24m chinese ppl lah, why you want to kaypoh leh?