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Full Version: China elderly lost their retirement money as Sichuan Trust goes bust..
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Sichuan Trust, headquartered in the southwest city of Chengdu, announced it was insolvent in 2020, stricken by sketchy accounting and failed investments in shopping malls and other projects. A deadline earlier this month to accept a 20%-60% “haircut” or loss on their investments has left some investors in deep financial trouble, according to public announcements and AP interviews with five people affected.

Ahbutt the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s create this thread for Pukimak LOL
China is yr most hated country and is collapsing fast, why still need to worry about it everyday?
Yr cpfoa only got 20k, yr mama knows or not?
(14-03-2024, 12:49 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Yr cpfoa only got 20k, yr mama knows or not?

He needs motivation
China has been collapsing everyday lah!  Rotfl
Everyday 醉生梦死,没有前途
Ah tiongs become poorer and poorer as third world hellhole china collapse as expected.

Sick man of asia is sick man. Pui! What a pathetic cesspit.
Cheat scam lie
Anyone say "Trust" you know what to do next.

So what currency is the trust bidding against? USD at 0.25% interests?
You cannot bankrupt a country with 1.3 billion people, modern cities infrastructure with transport system more advance than US and Europe. 

The Chinese can be rich or poor, but their's instinct to work hard, organise and survive is way ahead of the Westerners. 
At the least, the Chinese is much better than the West drug addiction problem. Every days go on strike for more salary with lesser work.

If Greece with their debt and still surviving, China will never collapse. That's the hard truth.
Aiya in ermaos' wet dreams anything can happen