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Full Version: Singapore's economic losses due to heat stress could nearly double
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Singapore's economic losses due to heat stress could nearly double to over $1.5 billion in 2035
2035,,, 40 degree, dies
Song BOH!
Concrete is very bad for our environment. It will only become hotter…

Sometimes, don’t blindly believe we have done a lot for the environment. It is actually bullshxt. If we have done enough, the weather will not be so hot.

[Image: IMG-4946.jpg]
LAS VEGAS — Visitors to Las Vegas on Friday stepped out momentarily to snap photos and were hit by blast-furnace air. But most will spend their vacations in a vastly different climate — at casinos where the chilly air conditioning might require a light sweater.

Meanwhile, emergency room doctors were witnessing another world, as dehydrated construction workers, passed-out elderly residents and others suffered in an intense heat wave threatening to break the city's all-time record high of 117 degrees Fahrenheit (47.2 degrees Celsius) this weekend.

Las Vegas see liao...🤣