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Full Version: Thai economy stumbles as Phillipines, Vietnam, Indonesia races ahead
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Oh no!!!
Then they cried Unfriendly neighbours again.. 🤣
Dun always be too demanding on others. It's like some can find good jobs while some cannot. Maybe it's more interesting if you could do a detailed analysis on that topic
(04-04-2024, 05:59 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]

Good article.

it gave all the reasons why Thailand is in this situation.  But it fell short of saying that its mistake was to fail to recognize Thaksin's ability to run the country very well. Instead, they drove him to exile. Those were lost years!

As I read the article, para after para, I could not help thinking that the majority of Singaporeans did the right thing to vote for PM Lee and PAP.  PM Lee did many of the things that the article said Thailand didn't do.