SG Talk

Full Version: World's 10 Countries People Regret Moving To in 2024
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u are right......many regretted going to singapore
Video only show 9 countries. What is the 10th country?
(05-04-2024, 07:15 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Video only show 9 countries. What is the 10th country?
[Image: IMG-20240404-WA0000.jpg]
It means nothing. Depending on who created the video or document There will always be people who regret moving out to those countries and there will also be people who regret not moving out to the countries fast enough.
Angmo never go India. The smog there is worse than anywhere in the world.
(05-04-2024, 07:15 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Video only show 9 countries. What is the 10th country?

It is Your own choice to move into the country. No one forced you. The people of the new country don't know you and they never invite you to live with them.

If you always points towards others short comings, rather than to be accountable in own failures. 
You will never be a happy person forever..😊