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Full Version: Poor Malaysian families worse off now than C19 period. Sad.
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KUALA LUMPUR – Several times a month, Ms Izzaty Nabella Lau is unable to put enough food on the table for her three children, let alone send her eldest daughter to primary school, due to the rising cost of living in Malaysia.

“After my ex-husband left us, we have nothing. I need to stay home to look after the kids,” said the 24-year-old, who lives in a low-cost flat known by its Malay acronym, PPR.

The couple divorced in 2023.

"My family is surviving through whatever my father and my two younger brothers can spare for us,” she told The Straits Times. She also has to support an older brother who cannot work because of severe gout.

Ms Lau lives in a three-bedroom, 645 sq ft flat, in a household of seven at Pantai Ria PPR housing estate in Kuala Lumpur. The flat belongs to her father, and they have been living there since 2007.

A United Nations report on Malaysia’s low-income households found that eight in 10 families living in PPR flats in the capital city struggle to generate adequate income to meet their basic needs