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Full Version: US Rebukes Vietnam Ahead Of Expected Visit By Russia's Putin
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For Vietnam, it is because of its strategic location, that they will be with the Russian side. The US had tried previously but was unsuccessful with North-South Vietnam. Their effort to split Vietnam was also unsuccessful. Till now, Vietnam is in one piece unlike N and S Korea.
All countries will look into own interest first!
Vietnam historically is the best in it.
No surprises..🤣
looser kpkb.
a series of war that spend a lot money but did not totally win.

0. wwii. win german, win japan. both also in a way like a small boy being used for getting out of their financial problem. also used for their other purpose.

1. nationalist against ccp. not ended yet in stale mate but no chance to win already
2. korean war. not ended yet. just like in 1.
3. vietnam war. lost and left many vietnam capitalist stuck . many become vietnam boat people to run road.

4. iraq. can take as success. but the later new government do not recognised them. so win or loose? gain moral high ground for defeating an aggressor. but the second war reason till today not found the accuser checmical bomb. credibility gone.

5. afghanistan. they won but give up. reason. trump being business man cannot see how to be profitable with it.
all rocks. what can one get out of them?

on going
1. ukraine. was a success after the nato back coup disguise as civilian coup. but one see the way they throw the petrol bomb is certainly train soldier not civilian.
on going fight with russia. a success in reducing russia military ability. hope they allow peace soon as in that way ukraine will become a buffer zone. if not sooner or later ukraine will run out of able body (man andwoman) to fight the war. worse a russia back coup to get back into control will be terrible.

2. isreal. ongoing looks like win. but unable to remove hamas totally. but who can remove all the ants?
should stop aready. no money to fight already.
just control the gaza strips that is already rid of hamas. and allow civilian to return.

so hope the west has peaceful come into control.
cannot allow the military man to continue to instaigate war. they have vested interest cause that is their wages.
but who pay? the european and usa man on the street.

make love, peace not war.
with us military strength they can win all the war. problem is they have democratic system with many many making some noise. so when interest is different or what different man come into power. they lost.
that has happen and will repeat over and over again.

best they don't start a war . save money and grow benefits for their people.
with the intelligent, money and people they can continue to be world number one/two for a long long time.
(18-06-2024, 03:24 PM)sclim Wrote: [ -> ]with us military strength they can win all the war.  problem is they have democratic system with many many making some noise. so when interest is different or what different man come into power. they lost.
that has happen and will repeat over and over again.

best they don't start a war . save money and grow benefits for their people.
with the intelligent, money and people they can continue to be world number one/two for a long long time.

The U.S. government is driven by Military Industrial Complex, these companies donated lots of money to get their preferred candidates elected as the U.S. president, after getting elected the president and his government have to take care of the interests of armed dealers and military industrial complex, constantly fight wars to boost the arms sales and maximise the profits of these companies.

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It is all known that Russia is leaning very closely to China. Since Vietnam and China are buddy buddy, obviously Vietnam must listen to China also.