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Full Version: SPF responded to PS COP remark "no wrong done to police"
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White pirates : Hello is this commissioner, start to stir shit
Commissioner : Yes, your majesty master 
White pirates : Good boy
(13-12-2021, 11:08 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]White pirates : Hello is this commissioner, start to stir shit
Commissioner : Yes, your majesty master 
White pirates : Good boy dog

I changed for you  Big Grin
(13-12-2021, 11:15 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]I changed for you  Big Grin

Hello  Angry

White pirates : Hello is this commissioner, start to stir shit
Commissioner : Yes, your majesty master 
White pirates : Good boy dog  sewage rats 

I wonder how they investigate when no name was given

Sure or not, drinking kopi also significant work done you know

(13-12-2021, 10:57 PM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]

Can we investigate this whether they tell the truth?
RK did not give name date or place. How the hell they investigate...should they even investigate?
(14-12-2021, 06:36 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Can we investigate this whether they tell the truth?
RK did not give name date or place. How the hell they investigate...should they even investigate?

Most likely base on the case narrative that RK lied in Parliament...
Type of case, year, month etc...

WP or PS can question or investigate SPF report in coming Parliament session too...
They should do it if suspected any untruth...
(14-12-2021, 08:49 AM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]Most likely base on the case narrative that RK lied in Parliament...
Type of case, year, month etc...

WP or PS can question or investigate SPF report in coming Parliament session too...
They should do it if suspected any untruth...

A guess. Maybe SPF use face recognition to scan thru all their CCTV videos to find matching video for RK.

That why they say spend lot of resources to prove it is not true.
(14-12-2021, 09:23 AM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]A guess. Maybe SPF use face recognition to scan thru all their CCTV videos to find matching video for RK.

That why they say spend lot of resources to prove it is not true.

Probably true...
When a MP accusing SPF "wrong doing" with regards to handling rape case in a Parliamentary session. 
It cannot be swept aside easily..

The Minister of Home affair will comes down hard on SPF chief...
this is an indication that our police have not digitization, shame on SPF
this SPF really useless, just grep from that database

select reportID, nric, rapecase, desc, report from POLICEREPORT where date between Date1 and Date2

spend simi resources?
(14-12-2021, 09:31 AM)moonrab Wrote: [ -> ]Probably true...
When a MP accusing SPF "wrong doing" with regards to handling rape case in a Parliamentary session. 
It cannot be swept aside easily..

The Minister of Home affair will comes down hard on SPF chief...
If police want to say it is becoz MP make a claim that why they put in extra effort to investigate, then I have nothing to say becoz special treatment should be rendered to MP.

For peasant, you make police report, most likely get sweep some where with no follow up.
(14-12-2021, 09:47 AM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]If police want to say it is becoz MP make a claim that why they put in extra effort to investigate, then I have nothing to say becoz special treatment should be rendered to MP.

For peasant, you make police report, most likely get sweep something with no follow up.

If not serious, they may ask you settle outside.. Big Grin
Because any case reported will be logged into record that will affect yearly performance...
And remain unsolved case..