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Full Version: Seow liao, Pfizer says pandemic will last till 2024
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(18-12-2021, 10:00 AM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]

Which means we may need to 'suffer' for another 3 years..... crying
(18-12-2021, 10:35 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Which means we may need to 'suffer' for another 3 years..... crying

All depends on Pifzer still have how many virus in Fort Detrick will release to infect people
No lah, it will last forever, just like cold and running nose.
Pfizer again?  everyday say jab jab jab.
(18-12-2021, 10:00 AM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]

Tactically is 2025.
wah 3 more good years for pharmaceutical companies. Is that going to be the end? Jab after jab....