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Full Version: “Asset rich, cash poor” lifestyle
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(20-12-2021, 03:40 PM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]Will Jac post his annual CPF statement soon?

Most probably he will, he wants attention..... Angry Laughing
I think this guy is confusing what "asset rich cash poor" means in the usual context. While one car argue on accounting terms its technically correct, but in colloquial terms this phrase actually refers to people who are really rich but not much liquidity.

For e.g. cases like someone staying in a property worth millions of dollars but low monthly income from job. Applies to also people who have a lot of valuable but illiquid stuff like antiques, art, private equity but not much cash at hand etc.

His story of acquaintance borrowing money to buy car and watch is just poor and dirt poor. Nothing to do with being asset rich cash poor.
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