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Full Version: Putin will chicken out and not invade Ukraine - I am wiling to bet on this
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1. Another round of economic sanctions will sink Russians down further and cause unrest.

2. Ukraine is seen by most Russians as a small peaceful nation so an invasion will not be widely supported.

3.casualties will be high even if Russians succeed.... just tike Chechen war the body count will not go down well among Russians.

4. Putin is living the good life of luxury....why would he take risk and give the west a damp good reason to take him down..

There will be no invasion...Putin will chicken out.
USA will provoke so they can war again own ppl
Russia has no good reason to invade Ukraine.

So, dun tok cok!
(18-02-2022, 10:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]1. Another round if economic sanctions will sink Russians down further and cause unrest.

2. Ukraine is seen by most Russians as a small peaceful nation so an invasion will not be widely supported.

3.casualties will be high even if Russians succeed.... just tike Chechen war the body count will not go down well among Russians.

4. Putin is living the good life of luxury....why would he take risk and give the west a damp good reason to take him down..

There will be no invasion...Putin will chicken out.

They just get over n done with better if not market will continue to be spooked lower n lower unnecessarily
Do you know what Putin is doing right now will be a good lesson learn for China? 
这叫做武统,这是俄罗斯版本 。Rotfl
(18-02-2022, 10:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]1. Another round if economic sanctions will sink Russians down further and cause unrest.

2. Ukraine is seen by most Russians as a small peaceful nation so an invasion will not be widely supported.

3.casualties will be high even if Russians succeed.... just tike Chechen war the body count will not go down well among Russians.

4. Putin is living the good life of luxury....why would he take risk and give the west a damp good reason to take him down..

There will be no invasion...Putin will chicken out.

Do you know Russian are called 战斗民族?
Dont say too early.
The last Georgia war, the NATO and US only TCSS, nobody dare to retaliate.
(18-02-2022, 10:34 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know what Putin is doing right now will be a good lesson learn for China? 
这叫做武统,这是俄罗斯版本 。Rotfl

They both compromise. NATO will not come to Ukraine's aid. This can be seen that US and UK pull out their troops from Ukraine. The US will prefer Russia not to take over Ukraine, else Russia will become bigger. For Russia, it will be many small countries in Europe and the sanctions. For Ukraine, they understand their position better now. They will not join NATO in the near future.
Why you want to bet on something that does not affect you directly?
(18-02-2022, 10:49 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]他们只会武统,不知道什么是文统

The United States has counted up to 190,000 Russian troops stationed near Ukraine
Don't think anyone will want the war. If there are no provocations, there will be no war. As long as NATO, the EU, the UK, the US and Russia are keeping their troops outside Ukraine and within their borders, there will be no reason to start a war.

China debunks US Blinken’s so-called Russia-Ukraine invasion looming, calls for more dialogues

Russia withdrew its troops, but NATO still strengthened its military deployment.
Putin 3qm deadline for invasion passed.
He chickened out.

Go back and enjoy mansion and continue to bully internal rivals and opposition....that's what he is good at
(19-02-2022, 05:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Putin 3qm deadline for invasion passed.
He chickened out.

Go back and enjoy mansion and continue to bully internal rivals and opposition....that's what he is good at

Old news non event. Watch for new wayang shows that keep dragging market.
Putin legs turned pudding. Cityhamtum please go comfort Putin.
(18-02-2022, 11:22 PM)revealer Wrote: [ -> ]Don't think anyone will want the war.  If there are no provocations,  there will be no war.  As long as NATO,  the EU, the UK, the US and Russia are keeping their troops outside Ukraine and within their borders,  there will be no reason to start a war.

You still don’t know the evil plot?
There are “mercenary troops” inside the US/NATO force.
Which country wants to start a war is very obvious?
Now Ukraine President has waken up, he will go for referendum to join NATO or not. Throw the ball to its ppl. This is a smart move.

[Image: C7-D2-C664-B20-B-4-A5-D-822-D-A5-F62770-A013.jpg]
Attack is imminent lah. They are all playing chess now. But the objective for Russia is clear.
(19-02-2022, 08:32 AM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]Attack is imminent lah. They are all playing chess now. But the objective for Russia is clear.

You don’t know Russian troop is withdrawing? Rotfl

But it will be withdrawing in snail speed.
Look like this tension, China is the biggest winner… Rotfl
This is a lesson for Singapore for neighbour management..

You got a neighbour A bigger and stronger than you.. He upfront tell you he don't like you burning offering at your door step (coz smell and ash flow into his house)..

But you insist it is your rights to burn offering at your door step and continue burning. One day, neighbour A just lose it and hantam you.. His fault, sure, but don't you have some responsibility as well??

Better still, there is a neighbour B living in next block who don't like neighbour A so keep telling you to burn offering. B even offer to sell and delivering the offering to your house, no delivery charge ..

The outcome is neighbour B managed to make life difficult for A, but at the same time bear no risk, caused the risk is bear by you..
(19-02-2022, 08:36 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]You don’t know Russian troop is withdrawing? Rotfl

But it will be withdrawing in snail speed.

Actually is a fake withdrawal.
Putin is very smart. He will probably win the battle if he invades Ukraine but by just posturing his forces then withdrawing, he had won the war.......... Rolleyes
(19-02-2022, 08:46 AM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]Actually is a fake withdrawal.

On action, it is real withdrawal, but they can return anytime.
You cannot bet on Putin.
You have no standard

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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-13-11-32-08.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-15-22-41-31.png]
That the new SWIFT wired transfer
So where is the invasion?
What is Putin waiting for?
(19-02-2022, 08:56 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]So where is the invasion?
What is Putin waiting for?

He exercising in his own territory.
You got to attack him.
He will give you bloody nose.
Thermoneuclear war.
You are hot and bubble why?
not only tiny Singapore also with a virus that does not exist.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-19-09-06-50.png]
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