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Full Version: Ukraine attack: ‘Missing’ Russian air force leaves US experts stumped
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Ukraine attack: ‘Missing’ Russian air force leaves US experts stumped
Russia can't afford to loose too many planes as NATO has a much bigger military.
That is why it need to standby its nuclear force to prevent NATO from attacking from the west.

Russia is taking out the NAZI
we now only see Russians' actions on population cities where the nazi hide
most of the war footages r fake.
simple thinking not enough
even for a single down pilot call wish Russia shall flatten the whole together with the pilot
Pilot will be honored when if possible his body return to Russia.
So many generals from both sides are vokha drinking buddies
Russia does not need to deploy much of airforce for these reasons

1. It is not carpet bombing Ukraine

2. Precision missiles are doing a great job

3. Remnant Ukr jets are no threat

4. EU cancel plans to send fighter jets