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RE: Watch this video to understand why we farked up. 23-10-2021, 09:11 PM 8
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Watch this video to understand why we farked up. SG Talk
Market Talk
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(23-10-2021, 09:00 PM)CyM17 Wrote:  Prof Dr. Bhakdi headed the institute of microbiology and hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz for 22 years and published 300 papers in fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and cardio diseases.

Dr. Brint completed her Bachelor of Science in biochemistry at uni. Of Sussex and phD in Trinity college.

How come fact checkers favour Dr. Brint's opinion??? Hmmmm....

I wouldn't care what the "fact" checker says, but what the prof said definitely sounds logical to me.
So from what he raised, I would think every subsequent (2nd onwards) jabs of mRNA vaccines carries more and more risk of blood clots due to the immune (white blood) cells attacking the blood vessel inner wall lining. This means higher chance of heart attacks and strokes even if the blood clots are formed outside of these 2 critical organs.

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