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Full Version: US markets climbs on backdrop interest rate hikes.
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When the pandemic struck we had a massive rally because the FED cut rates and did asset purchase.
Now both these factors are reversed a d removed, the liquidity is drain from the markets yet pundits cheer this maarket going higher. 

If you get fat eating too much, these experts are saying you will still get fatter if you stop eating.

Problem is logic in the market sometimes does not kick in immediately causing investors to think that logic can be defied.

If the market run up too quickly from now, it will be like in 1987 all over again. Yes most of us won't know because we were not born or young children at that time.

What happened was interest rate rose rapidly and investors did not care and kept piling in to buy stocks causing the surge up to continue. That was until Oct 1987...the market collapsed 26% in one day. After that it took yrs to recover.

[Image: xJ6d2h1.jpg]

The Dow surge up almost 30% to its peak then crashed. The interest rate rose during this period as to Dow climbed.

[Image: FY3iSoI.jpg]
One can sense the Dow ready to charge up....despite war, inflation and uncertainty it held quite steady as if waiting starters gun to run up like Osain Bolt.
I believe it will surge to a final peak this year after 12yrs of bull market. This bull is extended by 2yrs by the pandemic which caused the Fed to print like no tomorrow and drop rates to zero.

Many now think there is no such thing as bear markets. History taught us otherwise.
It will head towards 40,000 level.

[Image: iUC1ais.jpg]
(22-03-2022, 08:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]It will head towards 40,000 level.

[Image: iUC1ais.jpg]

This is not possible in current market dude
Because they can printing and robs  Clapping
(22-03-2022, 09:34 PM)Zannn Wrote: [ -> ]This is not possible in current market dude

look at hsi & china tech stocks anything is possibke especially when people dont expect.

alibaba up 50% in 3 days
So how now? Like to hear from expert here. I just want to learn from expert here
simply told for those still sleeping unable to wake up
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-01-08-05-49.png]
Great reset failed. u might get some tango from CBDC. we watch how this pans out.
At DC Pelosi dismissed all with 'Covid release' meaning for us it is called retrenchment.
chiat kaki
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-01-08-15-37.png]
i wonder where Lee and Joe meet? saw that words 'Covid release'
They laugh until stomachached
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-01-08-21-56.png]
Putin keeps on laughing non stop
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-01-08-25-39.png]