SG Talk

Full Version: Putin's war in Ukraine has deepened ASEAN disunity
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Shouldn't it be cause by SG?
Singapore stuck
though USD credits near saturation
she has invested much all the way.
Now there is no return to the old normal
why she continues I no no
You are advised to view just the 5 minutes of video
(06-04-2022, 01:25 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]

This article sets impossible standards of what is meant by 'unity', then proceeds to make an argument that ASEAN is disunited. ASEAN is not a supranational political union of all 10 nation states and by extension it is not in ASEAN's charter to form a 100% unified foreign policy with every state voting in exactly the same way and issuing statements with exactly the same language. There is nothing alarming when countries express different view over a nuanced spectrum. 

The citing of Ukraine war as a cause of disunity is a particularly idiotic one. This issue is one topic that probably united ASEAN more than anything else. Notwithstanding Singapore which has joined in the US led sanctions, all other 9 nations have adopted a principle of neutrality in practice with everyone continuing their relationship with Russia as per normal.