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comie dogs here spam Ukraine surrender, army kill army, mariupol gone, died here & there, all these lies from communist fake & lies, norm, not only in Ukraine case, almost 100% of all their threads & posts.
after 65 days of invasion, has russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land yet so many russia generals & chief commanders died, carrier sink, weapons almost all destroyed, run road, russia kena bomb, ton of new weapons arrive Ukraine army everyday, more countries join Ukraine to fight evil russia.
fact & truth slowly surface out yet got morons here still believe all the lies by comie dogs here, LOL LOL.

俄军总参谋长 格拉西莫夫大将 被炸断一条腿! 乌军又摧毁俄境内弹药库!


russia keep barking on his nukes means russia already reach the end road, show hands & that is all russia have, no more attacking power against Ukraine.
same as NK, can only bark nukes now & then when they have no more food, beg for money, then they fire empty nukes to threaten world peace for $$. Russia today is like NK liao.


almost 70 days of war now, russia still cant control 1 inch of ukraine land yet slowly all russia army going to retreat due to more died & lost in all towns & city.
Ukraine starts to attack inside russia land now, war drag on, all these comie dogs panic & lies non stop 7/24 here, surrender, win & all the BS since day 1, all these comie liars here.
russia has no more money, army & weapons to fight much longer, ukraine received ton of weapons from globally everyday, slowly Ukraine will conquer & occupy russia land in time to come, be patient.

烏軍要打進俄境內「搶回領土」!? 炸斷俄軍生命線…勝利日閱兵大縮水!

(01-05-2022, 05:20 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]almost 65 days of russia invades ukraine now, russia achieve nothing till date.

Achieve nothing?   

Half of Ukrainen land and eastern Ukraine and southern side seashore. Ukraine now is an inland nation and has no port for export.   

All these are what, even don't need to talk about US lost US$ hegemony? You are again proven a liar.  

(03-05-2022, 07:21 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Achieve nothing?   

Half of Ukrainen land and eastern Ukraine and southern side seashore. Ukraine now is an inland nation and has no port for export.   

All these are what, even don't need to talk about US lost US$ hegemony? You are again proven a liar.  


[Image: 53-D446-BE-EFF1-43-A5-8-A95-47243-E4-D8988.png]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts and lies hor LOOK at the map not One inch hor
(03-05-2022, 09:03 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 53-D446-BE-EFF1-43-A5-8-A95-47243-E4-D8988.png]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts and lies hor LOOK at the map not One inch hor

nudie nudie
(03-05-2022, 09:03 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 53-D446-BE-EFF1-43-A5-8-A95-47243-E4-D8988.png]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts and lies hor LOOK at the map not One inch hor

Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts panic liao  nudie nudie
(03-05-2022, 09:03 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 53-D446-BE-EFF1-43-A5-8-A95-47243-E4-D8988.png]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts and lies hor LOOK at the map not One inch hor

this is map of population in Ukraine speak russian language, these comie dogs liars use it to con & brainwash morons here as Russia occupy Ukraine today. smli also lies, all these comie dogs here, norm.

these commie liars here spam lies openly in almost all posts & threads shamelessly, like  this one.
whole world know 2 days ago Russia chief military commander 1 leg totally gone, he just step into front line, immediately kena bomb till so accurate, why? russia army panic now, beg for talk with Ukraine now.


[Image: 9-A998-DD8-50-BC-4-DB2-8035-03-C0-FF79-D81-C.jpg]

Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor PANIC liao Rotfl Rotfl
all these panic comie liars in this forum, smlj also lies, all these totally shameless comie dogs here.
Ukraine already bomb inside russia land on their oil field, weapons warehouse but not residential & civillians like evil russia army.
whole world already know Ukraine already recover almost whole Ukraine from russia now, these dogs still lies like crazy dog like in all their posts & threads.


Here comes kokee the angmo cok sucking dog.🤣🤣🤣
(03-05-2022, 05:39 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these moronic comie dogs here, civillians definitely has to leave, war is between army of both sides, only evil kill civillians, Ukraine army already enter russia border for >200km now, has they kill any civillians or residential building? they only bomb weapons warehouse & oil field, slaughter army.
I said many time, after almost 70 days of war, russia cant even control 1 inch of Ukraine land, same in mariupol & donbas, russia attack till no more power now yet more generals & chief commanders died, wait to be killed & chase out fully.

5.3 烏東戰場無寸進,成俄羅斯惡夢

U suck angmo coks until they collapse.  Laughing
Cockee the angmo cok sucker.🤣🤣🤣
all these moronic comie dogs here, civillians definitely has to leave, war is between army of both sides, only evil kill civillians, Ukraine army already enter russia border for >200km now, has they kill any civillians or residential building? they only bomb weapons warehouse & oil field, slaughter army.
I said many time, after almost 70 days of war, russia cant even control 1 inch of Ukraine land, same in mariupol & donbas, russia attack till no more power now yet more generals & chief commanders died, wait to be killed & chase out fully.

5.3 烏東戰場無寸進,成俄羅斯惡夢

china govt media now said russia will lose in Ukraine war & Russia will be dissected by 12 country, china will share with the rest 11 country on russia land.
sound like russia will lose till surrender & whole country will be gone & no more russia in future.
china is eyeing or try to please the west & work with west to attack russia?
can russia work with the west & attack china & dissect china?
what happen to china & xi? suddenly betray russia totally? so worry & scared?

5.2 【十二國瓜分俄羅斯?】中國官媒預言俄羅斯最終戰敗,國土被十二國瓜分,中國亦分一杯羹!

now war siren & alarm inside russia, be patient for Ukraine to attack russia till russia surrender.
need few months time, russia military & economy generally gone case, putin cancer mark the end of himself.

俄境內徹夜空襲警報!烏克蘭「等東風」六月反攻 遠程火器逆轉戰局!


俄軍重大勝利!頓巴斯“戰略高地”易主!斯拉維揚斯克東南卡拉春山已被俄軍攻占 俄軍重火力可“居高臨下”完全覆蓋斯拉維揚斯克與克拉馬托爾斯克 波蘭T-72M抵達伊久姆前線 俄烏爆發二戰後最大規模坦克大戰

russia military power totally gone case now, only left nukes, no one know whether their nukes working or not as not seen also not tested before.
US already said they van handle russia nukes, if this is true, then russia totally game over, waiting for the world to take over russia, the whole country to form a brand new world.


Plumes of smoke seen after explosions rock W Ukraine's Lviv
as above, russia has totally no military power to fight Ukraine now.
to date, around 30000 russia army, generals & chief commanders died in this war yet after almst 70 days, russia not control 1 inch of Ukraine land.
why Ukraine so accurate can kill so many russia generals & chief commanders, almost 50% of total russia army? war information & super accurate weapons provided by US. starlink, google & ton more of information to locate using the latest technology.
putin? xi?



comie dogs here can bark whatever lies & nonsense, surrender or die here & there, but who died more, who already lost the war, who invade for 70 days still cannot control 1 inch of ukraine land, who retreat & run road.
Noe bomb inside russia, russia military force totally useless, can only use mouth like comie dogs here to lie, when truth out, surrender, kneel down, norm, all these dogs here, LOL LOL.
all the BS by comie thread title or posts, wet dream & pcc 7/24.

5.4 【俄羅斯兵力用盡!】短短兩月,俄已用盡65%地面戰力! 常規戰俄已無希望!

comie dogs spam whatever lies & BS on Ukraine, truth is russia already gone case, putin sick till game over soon, russia military power already cant make it, wait to be attack or surrender eventually, russia just wait  to be slaughtered when NATO, US & Ukraine want it, comie can bark whatever nonsense.
russia army die likely >30000 now, much more than 4 yrs war with chechen, weapons destroy >50%. After 75 days of war, not even control 1 inch of Ukraine land, comie can ie to con or brainwash morons here.

5.5 【傷亡慘重!】玩不下去了! 俄羅斯錄音流出! 俄陣亡人數比四年車臣戰爭還要更多!

whole world is waiting for russia to surrender & dissect like 1990 again, how to split huge lands of russia eventually?
a new world order without russia in future.
putin end russia is the best, all these moronic evil nazi invader, deserve it.

20220504 烏克蘭只接受普丁投降書!? 烏軍集結完畢…俄恐「戰後崩壞」再次分裂!

get ready to bomb & attack russia.

世界四大重型大炮云集乌克兰,将轰垮俄军! 俄军战损已达25000人,坦克装甲车大炮被毁4千多辆!


all these moronic comie liars here bark russia win, take over donbas, lies & BS, whole military force of russia cant even take down 1 steel mill after 75 days of attack, WTF, this show how weak & useless russia army & junk weapons they have.
speechless, yet got few hundreds of threads created by comie bark victory of russia in last 2 months, all these liars, yet got morons here believe such low standard lies, real morons.


comie dogs here here bark germany dont support Ukraine, send 50 yrs old junk to Ukraine, all these liars from their self created lies from communist sources.
as below, germany send best in the world radar to Ukraine to fight Russia.


(04-05-2022, 11:19 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]russia military power totally gone case now, only left nukes, no one know whether their nukes working or not as not seen also not tested before.
US already said they van handle russia nukes, if this is true, then russia totally game over, waiting for the world to take over russia, the whole country to form a brand new world.


russia still can fight? just struggling to drag, the longer they drag for the face of putin, more russia army died, that  is all.
Wait patiently for the full force attack from NATO & US inside russia till russia surrender.
Alam Kok, 

Showing all the flg video and self-claim victory is no use.   

Just you yourself own self claim victory, got use?   

1. Currency hitting Ruble: lost.  

2. Land 50% gone to Russia.  

3. All the ports lost, no out let for export.  

One word: Lost.   

Laughing  Laughing  Laughing 

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