
(23-04-2022, 01:02 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Wow USA going to send MOAB spare parts to Ukraine. Kokee going to fix them up. Laughing

Kokee going to fight for Ukraine?  Thinking  Rotfl
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(25-04-2022, 06:11 PM)kokee Wrote:  blinken & US defense minister in Ukraine now, all the advanced weapons from US ready to provide to Ukraine to bomb & attack russia.
also US$300B ready for Ukraine to rebuild their country from the world & more on the way.
Russia, totally get nothing.



more than 22000 russia army, general & chieff commanders died in ukraine war now, moree to come.
Ukraine start to attack russia oil field & weapons warehouse but they did not bomb russia civillians like Russia, deal with russia such hooligan must be more hooligan than them, Ukraine must start to bomb russia building & people.

俄罗斯国内军事基地、炼油厂 遭乌军弹道导弹打击!




Alam everyday posts ukraine winning.  

Is just trapped in steel factory and survived under ground means "win"?   


[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

UK and EU accept rubles in exchange for gas


blinken said it Ukraine succeeded in this war, but still early, not even reach moscow yet, be patient.
who F care of russia now, totally useless, cant fight in war, economy almost bankrupt now, Finland & sweden will join NATO together later this yr in few months time, well done, NATO, UK & US.

'Russia failing, Ukraine succeeding,' states Antony Blinken after his Ukraine visit

芬蘭瑞典宣布將同時加入北約!一巴掌打在普京臉上!俄軍進攻無效 各國將支援烏重武器!


Ukraine army already attack into russia land 100+ km, problem is they dont bomb russia building & civillians, russia started it, ukraine must be more hooligan now.
let see ukraine can chase all russia army out of Ukraine in 4 weeks time then start to attack & bomb russia fully all the way to moscow with the support & supply from US, UK & NATO.

「打趴普丁」最關鍵4週!美軍召開40國援烏會議 削弱俄軍到無法重建!

赫尔松俄军弹药库被摧毁! 亚速团让俄军闻风丧胆! 28国驱逐俄罗斯外交官!


this stupid moronic comie liar, wet dream 7/24.
russia military power already almost use up now, waiting to be whack by US led 43 countries alliances.
Ukraine once chase russia army out of donbas, then Ukraine will occupy & control crimea, expand Ukraine boundary, next will be moscow & st. peterburg.
US will never let russia to threaten this world peace agin after this Ukraine war, definitely has to pull away all teeth of russia.

美國務院曝:俄國軍事力量已經耗盡! 坦克快速消耗25%營級戰術群報廢!



43 countries already join US alliance to have war with russia, supply weapons to ukraine to attack russia.
Blinken said Ukraine already succeed in this Ukraine war, US minister of defense said will attack russia till it cant invade other country anymore, that is to say will remove russia nukes totally.
Attack russia till surrender, occupy moscow & st. peterburg, control their oil & gas & ensure russia will not bully small country anymore.

'Russia failing, Ukraine succeeding,' states Antony Blinken after his Ukraine visit

US, allies promise heavy weapons for Kyiv amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine


(27-04-2022, 07:35 PM)kokee Wrote:  43 countries already join US alliance to have war with russia, supply weapons to ukraine to attack russia.
Blinken said Ukraine already succeed in this Ukraine war, US minister of defense said will attack russia till it cant invade other country anymore, that is to say will remove russia nukes totally.
Attack russia till surrender, occupy moscow & st. peterburg, control their oil & gas & ensure russia will not bully small country anymore.

'Russia failing, Ukraine succeeding,' states Antony Blinken after his Ukraine visit

US, allies promise heavy weapons for Kyiv amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine

Your 43 cuntries all no more lumpars lah. Laughing

all these moronic comie dogs here, yesterday bark got weapons no ammunition, ow bark wrong choices, all these know nut.
43 countries led by US to fight against russia, supply  & support all weapons to ukraine to attack russia, if all 43 countries action together against russia what will happen? useless & nazi russia can only bark nukes, LOL LOL.
russia almost  use up their weapons & ammunition, no money to produce more now, surrender is just a matter of time.

4.27 【40國圍攻!】40國將領“歷史性“聯合會議商討對抗俄羅斯! 俄爹憤怒了!



generally game over for putin  russia.
of course, they can continue to struggle for month & yrs, the longer russia & putin drag, russia will sink harder & see more bloods.

前线俄军进攻无力,后方普京猛打口炮! 英国国防大臣:乌军有权使用西方武器打击俄境内目标! 美国宣布疫情结束!


putin, this nazi invader now only left mouth to threaten & bark, his army almost gone case & game over now.
US said can deal with russia nukes & protect the world from peace threatening by russia, china & all these evil devil, forever use nukes to threaten world peace & human  life.



comie dogs here bark lies 7/24 here not going to change hard truth, all the communist source of shit has been wrong & fake all the time, still has so many brainless here read & watch all these liars posts, wrong all the time, these morons still believe & read, real morons.
whole world know putin & russia already game over, threatening is useless, no one give a shit to russia, whether is military or economy, only comie liars here bark lies so panic & desperately.
same to china, all the way down.

4.28 【垂S掙扎的普京?!】美智庫踢爆普京面對5個負面現象! 俄羅斯一直走下坡路!



Ukraine start to attack russia land now but only to weapons warehouse & military center, not to civillians & residential building.
that is the difference between west & communism country, russia & china, life to these evil dictator is worthless.
comie dogs here is totally evil to support russia & china, masscre, inhuman, kill all the normal people in war, all these bloody comie here are totally inhuman & evil devil to treat human life like dirt.

乌克兰军队今天攻击俄境内军事目标! 德国议会决议:向乌军提供各种重型装备


as above, US target is to disable russia military power totally.
russia military already 50% gone, another 1-2 months, totally gone if they anyhow hantam like last 2 months.
latest by July, full force to attack & bomb russia.



US pump US$33B into Ukraine war, that is to prepare to attack russia in near future, so not only Ukraine will fully recover as original country, likely Ukraine will take over crimea & ton of russia land in future.

美對烏軍「攻擊俄本土」開綠燈!拜登軍援加碼10倍 逼出普丁最後咆哮!

英外長: 把俄軍全部趕出烏克蘭全境,包括克里米亞


(26-04-2022, 08:56 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Kokee going to fight for Ukraine?  Thinking  Rotfl

Support lah!

(26-04-2022, 09:50 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam everyday posts ukraine winning.  

Is just trapped in steel factory and survived under ground means "win"?   



Protected by steel leh!

(30-04-2022, 10:50 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia weapons & strategy all out, cant do anything to ukraine, cannot control 1 inch of ukraine land after 65 days of war.
now 43 country to support ukraine, all their weapons & ammunition all on the way, plus USD33B from US with new act to fully support Ukraine with US weapons, Ukraine not even started yet russia already game over.


US no lumpars still got fake $$$? Laughing

[Image: zkZCJU5CniJOzlH2sDoWs_1V9UC3XGr7el4JjTnS...s640-nd-v1]


russia weapons & strategy all out, cant do anything to ukraine, cannot control 1 inch of ukraine land after 65 days of war.
now 43 country to support ukraine, all their weapons & ammunition all on the way, plus USD33B from US with new act to fully support Ukraine with US weapons, Ukraine not even started yet russia already game over.



US  & ukraine plan to bomb & attack russia after chase all russia army out of Ukraine.
before russia, likely Ukraine will takeover crimea from russia 1st.
From Ukraine to moscow is not too far, to disable russia military totally, US & NATO has to fight all the way to moscow, after that whether proceed to st. peterburg, will see.

美軍劇本「打完烏東、打回俄境內」? 制導砲彈搭配「鳳凰幽靈」殲滅俄軍!


Moronic kokee king of know nuts story telling hor “lee tai sor “ Rotfl Rotfl

Alam Kok, 

Loose cannon just like Ukraine's. 


almost 65 days of russia invades ukraine now, russia achieve nothing till date.
russia weapons & army diminish very fast now, no new replenish anymore.
ukraine receive ton of new weapons from 43 countries alliance everyday, ton on the way from US.
Russia already died  >26000 army, generals & chief commanders, more to come.
russia cant drag for too long now, no money & no weapons.




(01-05-2022, 06:54 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia & ukraine still fight in mariupol but inside russia almost every oil field & weapons warehouse everywhere on fire now.
Russia are fighting russia now, also Ukraine army already enter russia to bomb at their above sites.
basically russia cant do much in ukraine now, just drag on till they fully depleted & get attack by 43 countries joined force.
may be no need join force, putin regime already collapse due to internal blame & fight.


U suck too much white cums until hallucinating now ah? Laughing

russia & ukraine still fight in mariupol but inside russia almost every oil field & weapons warehouse everywhere on fire now.
Russia are fighting russia now, also Ukraine army already enter russia to bomb at their above sites.
basically russia cant do much in ukraine now, just drag on till they fully depleted & get attack by 43 countries joined force.
may be no need join force, putin regime already collapse due to internal blame & fight.



赖岳谦:乌军不是解放军;乌军被英美神话,乌军纪律差!俄试射可携核武导弹 美军援乌松动?


(30-04-2022, 06:53 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok, 

Loose cannon just like Ukraine's. 


Why didn't the Russian forces just finish them off leh? Those Ukrainians are still inside the steel factory leh!

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