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Full Version: 'There is no room to put these bodies' Alabama official says as Covid-19 deaths climb
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By Aya Elamroussi, CNN

Updated 0119 GMT (0919 HKT) August 29, 2021

(CNN)The rate of Covid-19 deaths has increased in 42 US states in the last week, according to new data, as the spread of the more virulent coronavirus Delta variant has upended a spring of reopenings and led to increasing concern headed into autumn.

In 14 states, Covid-19 deaths increased by more than 50% over the past week


In Alabama, one of the hardest-hit states in the latest surge, overall hospitalization numbers continue to climb, driving health officials to use mobile trailers to house bodies because Covid-19 deaths are soaring


The state activated two of its four refrigerated trailers for the first time since the pandemic began


"These are typically held in case of a mass casualty event for example, when a large number of bodies appear at one time. This is actually a situation that is happening in Alabama hospitals now," Harris said.

"We have enough people dying ... that there is no room to put these bodies," he added. "We are really in a crisis situation. ... I don't know how much longer we're going to be able to do this."

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And the Northern hemisphere hasn't enter winter yet.