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Full Version: dogs here can only use Russia say Dictator say
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russia say.....

only 959 or 1700 billion or 1700 millions?
say wht  they like, dictatorship norm.
same to all comie dogs here, lies, norm. try to stir shit, only morons F care.

surrender? evacuation? why bother, important is who win the total war. War sure got ton of people died.
russia casualty rate is 500% higher than Ukraine now, so? sibei song? LOL LOL.
Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor sourced Falun Gong propaganda LOL LOL LOL

Western Intelligence Guys Are Crying For China's Opacity?!

(20-05-2022, 11:04 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Western Intelligence Guys Are Crying For China's Opacity?!

(05-05-2022, 10:08 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]the most important in life in freedom & truth, these are totally gone in dictatorship communism.
dictator fully control media in their country, so they can self claimed whatever they like to con & brainwash their people, so they self create lies on everything to their advantages inside their country, so whatever outcome of the war, they forever win thru self claimed, like russia today & all the comie in this forum, spam ton of new threads to claimed themselves using communist sources of BS.


above is how comie bark Russia say or communist say here.
They just lie, dont bother, important is what they want you to listen, no fact & truth, pure lies as they like, norm in this forum by comie dogs here.
all know who they are.

cityhantam, fleetdestroyer, chaos, webinarian, simpleman, theold, lvlrsSTI, Notdumb, Migrant, Huliwang & ton more.
(20-05-2022, 10:49 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor sourced Falun Gong propaganda LOL LOL LOL

[Image: 4949-CCE5-DCE7-49-AB-A02-A-E4549-D027-EA5.gif]
(05-05-2022, 10:32 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]why so many lies & fake from ccp china, communist sources? because they are lawless, dictator can do anything they like, fake whatever they want, people has no power & live in fear to challenge due to weapons & gun are all in dictator hands, like 4/6/1989, tanks roll over beijing students.
dictator needs to use fake, lies, censored, twisted & distorted to braiwash their people thru education & propaganda then slavery will sacrify their life for them & worship them.
all the slavery & morons beliebe dictator lies & fake like morons & brainless here, think these dogs are unbeatable, these are total BS like comie dogs here bark lies to BS how powerful & strong china is, china is just a thief or robber to steal technology & copy cat.
most important in life is freedom & your own life.



all these dogs here stir shit, bark lies, lick balls but they will never go back to china to enjoy their slavery life.
all these dogs support putin to kill human like dirt till they get it in WW3 with their family, deserve it.
all these russia say liars here, russian life is real dirt, 35000 death & all dogs here only concern Ukraine army life yet are all lies.
whatever, russia casualty is 500% more than Ukraine, whether is death, injury, POW or surrender, whatever, LOL LOL.
steel plant is still occupy by Ukraine, russia is balless to even get closed, LOL LOL.


as above, all these russia say & china say area totally BS, comie dogs here like to use all these lies to con or brainwash morons here.
already said 100x here, dictator has no truth & fact, they bark anything no need fact, just what they want slavery to listen & brainwash.
can see comie dogs here is super desperate & panic to use such lies now.

poland army now is fighting in front line in eastern Ukraine against russia, if they occupy west then they should fight in west.
morons with pea brain also know poland is strong hold of NATO & US,  most weapons from US to Ukraine thru poland, they are Ukraine are closest alliance, all these dogs here bark lies is totally brainless & know nut.


zelensky say & russia say, still got morons here believe russia & china, all these dictator lies & BS?
sincere, truth & fact are utmost important in life.
all these comie dogs are forever liars here, LOL LOL.
(20-05-2022, 11:04 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Western Intelligence Guys Are Crying For China's Opacity?!


[Image: 75-E5567-E-0-FFD-4-B35-A987-B1-B8-EECABE3-D.gif]

Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor your brother laughs hor LOL LOL